Introduction to entrepreneurship/IENT102/Mentorship/How

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Mentor meeting.jpg

(Comment.gif: SW - make text more substantive. Case studies good, but change to discussion forum to allow more space for comment.)

How is business mentoring different to other mentoring? Well actually, business mentoring is the same as any other sort of mentoring.

"Business mentoring is a relationship between you, as an entrepreneur, and someone with business experience who is willing to act as a guide. The business mentor offers advice, guidance and support to help you run and improve your business" [1].
Have a look at at least three of these case studies:


After reading these case studies, what value do you think mentorship can add to a business? For example:

  • Business mentors improve productivity
  • Business mentors listen

Post your comment(s) below and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.

If you prefer you can create a post on your learning journal blog. Be sure to label or tag your post IENT102.
Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.


  1. Benefits of business mentoring