Introduction to entrepreneurship/IENT101/Small business/Important

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In this section we will explore why small businesses are in important in your local economy.

Icon activity line.svg
Exploring small businesses
Auckland Yellow pages.jpg

Why are small businesses important?

Think about it for a minute.

Go to an online business directory (here is a list) and search for any business type in your area e.g. painter, hair dresser, mechanic, book store.

Most of these are small businesses.


So what would happen to the economy of a country if they no longer existed? Would the effects be positive or negative?

Let us know what you think by posting a WEnote below, for example:

  • I think that the effects would be positive because ...
  • I think that the effects would be negative because ...

Post your comment(s) below and then look on the course feed page to see what others have posted.

If you prefer you can create a post on your learning journal blog. Be sure to label or tag your post IENT101.
Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

On the next page we'll look in detail at why small businesses are important (or not).