Introduction to Psychology 1/IPSY103/About
Welcome to the OERu micro-course, Consciousness, Thinking & Memory. This is the third of three micro-courses that jointly constitute the OERu Introduction to Psychology I course. In this micro-course you will learn about different states of consciousness, definitions and measures of intelligence, and more complex forms of memory and thinking.
This micro-course is intended for students who are interested in gaining foundational knowledge about basic psychological processes, including those who wish to pursue a Baccalaureate degree in Psychology. It can also be useful to anyone interested in the Social Sciences and can contribute to a Bachelor of General Studies.
[hide]What will I learn
By the end of this micro-course you will be able to:
- Define change blindness and recognize new examples
- Define consciousness
- Summarize the easy problem of consciousness
- Summarize the hard problem of consciousness and how it relates to “correlation is not causation”
- Define blindsight
- Explain the importance of Libet’s study on voluntary movement
- Explain the principle of dual processing
- Describe the different stages of sleep and their typical characteristics
- Describe the purpose of sleep and the evidence for that conclusion
- Describe some of the characteristics of hypnosis
- Explain the evidence that hypnosis affects confidence rather than accuracy of recall
- Summarize the two theories to explain hypnosis
- Describe the benefits of meditation
- Define cognitive psychology
- Distinguish concepts and schemas
- Identify problem-solving strategies, including algorithms and heuristics
- Recognize some common roadblocks to effective problem solving including five types of decision bias
- Define language and describe the components of language
- Explain the relationship between language and thinking
- Discuss the three basic functions of memory
- Describe the three memory stores and recognize new examples of each
- Distinguish between the different kinds of long-term memory
- Explain the brain areas involved in memory
- Compare and contrast the two types of amnesia
- Discuss the unreliability of eyewitness testimony
- Identify some of the ways in which memory fails us in predictable ways
- Compare and contrast the two types of interference
- Recognize and apply memory-enhancing strategies to improve your studying
- Summarize the different intelligence theories
- Define emotional intelligence and creativity
- Describe the history of the use of IQ tests
- Describe the purposes and benefits of intelligence testing
- Explain the different variables that contribute to and influence IQ scores
- Describe the difference between a learning disability and a developmental disorder
What's involved
- Completing readings
- Watch videos
- Completing elearning activities
- Writing an exam (for learners taking the course for academic credit)
What prequisites should I have, if any?
Anyone is free to participate in this course; however, it is designed for those who meet Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s English Language Proficiency Requirement. In addition, an internet connection and basic web browsing skills are recommended with the ability to create a blog and microblog account (instructions and self-study tutorials provided.)
What micro-courses are required for course credit?
Learners are required to complete three micro-courses to gain credit for Introduction to Psychology 1:
- Foundations of Psychological Science
- Evolution, Behaviorism & Sensation and Perception
- Consciousness, Thinking & Memory