Intercultural communication teamwork and leadership/Communicating across difference/Video signpost - Verghese
Kyra Garson. 2007. A Crash Course in Culture and Classroom Applications pp. 58-67 in TRU: A Globally Minded Campus - A Resource for Academic Departments. Thompson Rivers, TRU World.
Read: Michelle LeBaron. June 2003. Cultural Diversity. Beyond Intractability: Communication Tool for Understanding Cultural Differences.
This article discusses how we need self-knowledge, self-awareness, and cultural fluency to be able to perceive our own cultural lenses, which shape how we understand and communicate with others. It also provides a description of high and low context communication styles, and individualistic and communitarian views of self in relation to others, illustrated with real-world examples. This resource also provides a PowerPoint summary to aid understanding of key concepts in the reading.