Institutional liaison

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Institution Contact/Champion Sustainability statement/link Link to Audit data
Aoraki Polytechnic
Auckland University of Technology
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Christchurch Polytechnic Inst of Tech
Eastern Institute of Technology
Lincoln University
Manukau Institute of Technology
Massey University
Nelson Marlborough Inst of Technology
Northland Polytechnic
Otago Polytechnic Samuel Mann "Every graduate may think and act as a sustainable practitioner" link
Southern Institute of Technology
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
Te Wananga O Aotearoa
Telford Rural Polytechnic
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Unitec New Zealand
Universal College of Learning
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Waikato Institute of Technology
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Institute of Technology Taranaki
Whitireia Community Polytechnic