Facilitating Online Workshops: A Case Study
Key Dates and Deadlines
till June 30, 2009
- Continue call for contributors and co/authors.
- We are encouraging collaborative teams (Second Edition Interestees).
July 1, 2009 to August 1, 2009
- Submit chapter overviews: working titles, summaries, and lists of contributors (Chapter Abstracts).
August 1, 2009 to September 14, 2009
- Submit complete chapter outlines.
September 15, 2009
- Submit complete chapter drafts.
Early 2010
- Soft launch in Second Life (author chats and SL Presentation)
November 2010
- Official launch at the CoL Conference (PCF6)
Resources in Editing Innovations in Education
Facilitating Online Workshops on Wikieducator: A Case Study
This chapter relates to a case study of a 4-week blended online learning (BOL) workshop co-facilitated on Moodle Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL). The purpose of the workshop was to teach educators from around the world how to use Moodle for instruction and learning. The facilitators demonstrated techniques of collaborative learning and community involvement. The chapter will outline the nature of online facilitation, collaborative learning, community of practice, teaching online to a large and diverse audience, co-facilitation, problems encountered, solutions, and best practices.
Chapter Authors
- Dr. Nellie Deutsch
- Dr. Ludmila Smirnova
Chapter Quote
"Signicant learning combines the logical and the intuitive, the intellect and the feelings, the concept and the experience, the idea adn the meanings" (Rogers, 1983, p. 37).
Graphic chapter map here
Learning Outcomes
After completing the workshop, you should be able to:
- Know the tools used to succesfully facilitate an online workshop on Wikieducator.
- Learn how to create and manage tutorials, participants information, messages, etc. on a consistent format.
- Understand the role of an online facilitator.
- Interact effectively with workshop participants.
- Promote involvement and collaborative learning in a multicultural enviroment.
Layout of Case Study
Give a background to your project. Remember to include any relevant references in this format.
Please note that if you wish to create your case study using MS Word you should use the MS Word template.
Note that case studies must not by marketing material for your project. They should describe how you have addressed a particular problem and any difficulties you have experienced. The intention is to share experiences with other projects.
Problem Being Addressed
Describe the problem being addressed.
The Approach Taken
Describe the approach taken.
Problems Experienced
Summarise any problems experienced.
Things We Would Do Differently
Summarise things you would do differently today, based on the experienced you have gained.
- Co-facilitation.
- Collaborative Learning. Learning that required joint activity in which two of more learners that negotiate meaning and process and contribute to the final outcome.
- eLearning. Instructional techniques that use information and communication technologies as tools to enable and enhance learning.
- Facilitating Online. Paying attention to the social interaction of the online participants, so the group can achieve its goals.
- Facilitation skills.
- Facilitator.
- Workshop.
- Wiki platform.
- Wiki skills.
- Rogers, C. (1983). Freedom to Learn. (3rd ed.). Upper Sadle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- Ruth, A. & Houghton, L. (2009). The wiki way of learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), 135-152. Retrieved July 5, 2009, from http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet25/ruth.html.
- Schuman, S. (2005). The IAF handbook of Group Facilitation. Best practices for the leading organization in facilitation. San Francisco, CA: Wiley
Mass Collaboration
Tapscott, D., & Wiliams, A. D. (2006). Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything. London: Atlantic Books. Take a peak at the book.
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Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. | ![]() |