Indian Philosophy

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Knowing as Being, the core constituents of Indian Philosophy, would be explored and comprehended in Education and Teacher Education

[edit]Overview This project intends to sensitize; build a reflective dialogue and capacities to formulate a vision of Education and Teacher Education through Indian Philosophy (Epistemic and Epistemological) Through an exposure to the distinctive concepts of Indian Philosophy the participants would be stimulated to identify their place in the world and to situate themselves vis-a-vis other human beings and nature, at large. The individual thus equipped, would be free to take the responsibility to actively contribute to the world of 'knowing and being'. [edit]Aims and objectives Epistemic Objectives Identifying distinctive features of Indian Philosphy; Identifying distinctive features of Orthodox and unorthodox schools Identifying distinctive features of Samkhya and Yoga Schools Interpreting implications for education Interpreting implications for Teacher education Epistemological Objectives To sensitize to different processes and phenomena To promote a reflective dialogue leading to identification of key concepts To relate these concepts with one's experiences and observartions To appreciate the Indian world-view in its context to agree to disagree To authenticate one's viable world-view of man in the universe To choose one's response to the world Retrieved from ""