In-Service Training Trust OER experince by Mungule Chikoye

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Introduction Since 1999 the In-Service Training Trust (ISTT) I have ben involved in the production of ODL materials. Since that time the Trust has ben involved in the production of training materials in cowpeas and soyabeans. This was a collaborative programme involing the ISTT, Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) at the University of Zambia (UNZA) and COL.

Training Workshops

Between 2002 and 2003, the ISTT hosted two TOT workshops involving 12 participants from Uganda, Namibia, Tanzania and Zambia. At the start of the first workshop, participants undertook a field visit to access the training needs farmers and agricultural extennion workers as well as the availability of ICT tools. During the interaction with farmers it became clear that they needed new knowledge to improve farm production while extension workers needed training for enhanced career prospects.

Developing Training Materials

Arising from the information collected fro the field, the workshop participants developed simple to use print based training material.