Ila doc
- S4 core
L G P C 3 0 0 3
Objective level: Understanding, Analysis and Application
Prerequisite: NIL
Module I (11 hours)
Pulse circuits - forward recovery and reverse recovery of diodes - switching times of diode - switching behaviour of transistors - switch-on time components - resistive switching and clamped inductive switching of BJTs and switching times - storage time and Schottky BJTs - bistable circuit - symmetrical and asymmetrical triggering of bistable - collector coupled monostable - collector coupled astable - transistor schmitt trigger circuit - voltage Sweep errors - constant current sweep circuit - Miller sweep using op-amps - current sweep generation.
Module II (10 hours) Logic families - ideal logic gates - truth tables of basic gates - logic levels - noise margin - basic Boolean algebra - De Morgan’s theorems - DTL gates - HTL gates - TTL gates - standard TTL - Schottky TTL - ECL logic - MOS logic - NMOS logic gates - CMOS logic - tristate logic - comparison of logic families
Module III (11 hours) Combinational circuits - number systems - Boolean functions - canonical and standard forms - simplification of Boolean functions by Karnaugh’s map up to five variable map - NAND, NOR, EX-OR & EX-NOR implementation - codes and code converters - multi level NAND circuits - multi level NOR circuits - adders - subtractors - signed and unsigned numbers – one’s complement and two’s complement - BCD adder - magnitude comparator - BCD multiplier - decoders and encoders - multiplexers and demultiplexers - implementation of combinational logic by using multiplexers - ROM, PLA and PAL
Module IV (10 hours) Sequential circuits and memories - flip flops - RS, JK, T and D flip flops - triggering of flip flops - registers - shift registers - ripple counters - synchronous counters - ring counter - Johnson counter - memories -ROM, static and dynamic RAM - read/write memory, EPROM, EEPROM, memory decoding - analysis of clocked sequential circuits - state tables and state diagrams - state reduction and assignment - flip flop excitation tables - FSM - algorithmic state machine design procedure - design of modulo-M counters - introduction to ASM charts
Reference books: 1. Millman & Taub: Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms, TMH,1999 2. Jaeger R.C.: Microelectronic Circuit Design, McGraw Hill,1997 3. Morris Mano M.: Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India,2001 4. Taub & Schilling: Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill,1997 5. Morris & Miller: Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits, McGraw Hill,1971