Identify different types of emotions
From WikiEducator
In this the lesson the learner should be guieded to understand that there are differnt types of emotions experienced by different people depending on different circumstances.
By the end this lesson the learner should be able to:
It is important to guide the learners to define the new or complex terms that may arise during the lesson. Ensure the definitions are as simple as possible.The table below gives definitions of terms that will be used during the lesson
Optimism | Tendency to expect the possible outcome of a situation |
Remorse | Moral anguish from past misdeeds |
Euphoria | A feeling of great happiness |
Awe | A mixed emotion of reverence , respect or dread |
Pessimism | A tendenccy to stress the negative or unfavaroble |
Lesson Content
Step 1
Involve the learners in the following activity
Group 1: Feelings after receiving good news or meeting old friends may include:
Group 2:Feelings that come to us when we receive bad news:
Key points
Tell the learners that there are positve and negative emotions. The feelings group one mentioned are examples of positive emotions while what group two mentioned are examples of negative emotions |
{{Activity|Involve the learners in the second activity