Label and pronounce

Identify, label and present a range of amenity trees, shrubs and climbers
This video could be used for an activity in botanic nomenclature or plant identification, say, maybe a lead into an activity for Identify, label and present a range of amenity trees, shrubs and climbers.
- Forty common amenity plant specimens are visually identified, collected, pressed and dried, and mounted neatly or photographed. Plants collected may include but are not limited to the NZHITO list; plant parts collected or photographed include - stem, foliage and flowers.
- Plant labels should include - botanical, common and family names; identifying features; plant type; plant use; cultural requirements; date and site collected.
- Plant Specimen or photographic collection includes at least five plants from each group - trees, shrubs, climbers, New Zealand native plants.
Pronouncing botanic names
next vid could introduce some bonus info on pronouncing botanic names , I say bonus cause it is not part of the performance criteria for this unit but what the $&@* let’s touch on this a bit.
And when I was searching for info on plant pronunciation I came across this awesome site! (Check out the neat little vids too, the newspaper pots could be worth trying at our Polygrow nursery. The vid on weeds is good too).
Finally before I ovah and out, here are some more great tips on plant pronunciation:
And this one hits the nail on the head with the inclusion of this information:
- William Stearn, considered the authority on botanical Latin (his book Botanical Latin is the standard) states:
- How [scientific names] are pronounced really matters little provided they sound pleasant and are understood by all concerned.
- Stearns gives three basic principles for pronouncing scientific Latin:
- The pronunciation of a word is determined by the sounds of the individual letters, the length (quantity) of the vowels, and the place of stress (accent ).
Stearn’s points are fundamental and pretty easy to follow for proper pronunciation
Support Materials
- - Video: Weeping Beech
- - Video: The Dawn Redwood
- - Dave's Garden
- - Video: on weeds
- - more great tips on plant pronunciation
- - more great tips on plant pronunciation
- - Plant names