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Module 1.5 FOSS resources for keeping current on the FOSS eco-Space



Delivery method:

For instructional purpose, it is advised that trainers/lectures use a combination of discussion sessions and Internet-based search as a major means of delivering this module. In addition, this module can serve as a take-home assignment where participants can write down a list of resources and present them to the following day for further discussion.


The FOSS development, communities, and the way of doing businesses in FOSS are highly dependent on the Internet infrastructure. Networking with globally distributed communities of developers and users is essential for the success of businesses in the FOSS cyber-space. However, despite the benefits the Internet brings to businesses (proximity to customers, improved and timely service delivery, access to global audience and pool of potential customers), it has become apparent that there is a problem of information overload, the cost in terms of time of shifting and searching for relevant information. This module aims to ameliorate this problem by providing some resources which may help FOSS businesses locate the appropriate portals, communities, applications, and associations which may serve as vital links to their business. The dynamics of the internet informs us that such resources can be outdated few moments after they have been discovered, therefore, companies are advised to use the resources provided in this module as a starting point only.

News, interviews and conferences on FOSS and business

Finding and selecting applications

FOSS related networks/institutions

Module 1.5: ASSESSMENT

  1. Exercise 1: Write a short review comparing two resources in each sub-module. Clearly state which type of resource is most suitable for advancing FOSS business in your country?
  2. Exercise 2: State factors which inhibit the use of each resource in each sub-module in your country
  3. Exercise 3: Give examples and suggest 3 - 4 other categories which can be added as FOSS resources for businesses in Africa
  4. ….....................................................................................
  5. ….....................................................................................
  6. …....................................................................................
  7. …...................................................................................

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