Iced Tea in Crete 2012:Hands on with Legacy Coding
Hands on with Legacy Coding |
Convenor: Ignasi |
Agile Barcelona runs Coding Dojs each month. Each Dojo are 2 pomodoros for the same Kata. In each pomodoro coders must pair and start the kata from scratch. In each pomodoro pairs must change. About 20 people. After several Dojos, Agile Barcelona suggests a slight change in the norm: legacy code katas. Get known katas, prepare awful solutions: with or without tests, code duplication, unreadable, wrong var names, etc... do a normal dojo trying to get the code clean. Boy scout rule!
THIS IS NOT REAL So the goal is to do a different kind of kata, which reflects the fact that often we have to understand/refactor/change legacy code. Some such katas are available on github:
When you come into work spend 30 min doing a kata You do same kata each day for 2 weeks. Spend the first 3 days just working on the problem. Then you should know how to solve the problem quickly, you can redo it in e.g. a different IDE than your favorite, different build tool, different test environment, different language. So the focus changes from solving the actual problem to solving a lot of other small real-life issues that you may face.
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