Iced Tea in Crete 2012:Development and Testing Tools
From WikiEducator
- as tool for exploring new languages
- custom JUnit runners (e.g. SpringJUnitTestRunner, for AJ)
- common base class for default annotations
- different groups, annotate tests, (fast tests)
- more memory as it loads all classes upfront
- scala, groovy better error messages from expressions
- extract custom assert methods
- fest-assert
- assertThat(value, hasItems())
- integrated in JUnit (oolder version)
- some default matchers come with JUnit
Spock: ?
- created mocks/stubs
- brittle tests with mocks, you test behavior not resulting state
- mock as little behavior as possible
- Mockito: (
- adds more default Hamcrest Matchers, easy to use, fluent setup of behavior,
- verify # of interaction, nice defaults
- annotations for injecting mocks
- EasyMock (
- very simple, mock and replay
- JMock(2):
- PowerMock: mock final methods, static calls and java.lang classes ()
- self made stubs
- separate threading behavior from other behavior
- use java debugger architecture to suspend/continue tests
- in JUnit @Concurrent Annotations
- better concurrency support in TestNG
- write your own testing infrastructure with CountDownLatch (or Phaser in Java7)
- watch out for shared state, also if you want to run your tests in parallel
- hard to do in current frameworks
- automatically rolls back by default so doesn't keep state
- @Rollback(false)
- @Before executed in TX, @BeforeTransaction is executed outside of TX
- @Transacitonal on Test-case makes each method transactional
Cleanup DB?
- VM(ware) with snapshot and no persisent disk for reset
- HyperV
- saved state in db
- DBUnit ?
- too big an effort to maintain (all the xml files) - own framework
- In Memory DB?
- different contexts
- problems with schemas ? different SQL dialects? (better with ORM)
- HSQL, ImpermanentGraphDatabase
- LiquiBase?
- HttpUnit?
- Infrastructure that automatically starts up embedded or external servers
- fast, slow, external tests (with external services - JMS, Kerberos, LDAP, ...)
- write acceptance criteria in business domain language
- readable/writable by business users
- the tool reads those statements and extracts relevant information which are fed to the tests
- Given When Then / As a .... , I want ...., so that ...
- in lots of languages
- step definitions use regular expressions to extract the data for input and verification
- difficult to express specs
Fit / Fitnesse
- Fit ( by Ward Cunningham - uses tabular specs in Word/HTML documents to define Acceptance tests
- FitLibrary
- Fitnesse (Uncle Bob) Wiki based implentation (
- plug in spreadsheets (excel)
- JMeter for http performance testing (
- curl, ab load testing
- Profilers (VisualVM, YourKit, JProfiler)
- make sure the client and the system under test run on different systems
- record: gc-logs
- record stats: min, max, avg, mean, stddev look at the outliers
- vmstat, iostat
- Kirks Performance Test courses
- you have to have performance requirements so that you know when you meet your performance needs