ICT4SouthAsiaED: Gender Equity

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Discussion Points

  1. Gender Mainstreaming for ICT in Education
    1. Developing a Policy Framework for Gender Mainstreaming
      1. Ensuring a gender perspective in ICT-based projects
      2. Ensuring adequate and sustainable technology transfer
      3. Designing technologies appropriate to women’s needs
      4. Ensuring gender-sensitive ICT policy and regulation
  2. Gender focused Research and Analysis
  3. Impact of ICT in Education on Gender Equity

Illustrated books.gif Bibliography

  1. Ms Lyndsay Green, “Gender-based Issues and Trends in ICT Applications in Education in Asia and the Pacific”, UNESCO Meta-survey on the Use of Technologies in Education
  2. Sophia Huyer, Tatjana Sikoska, April 2003, “Overcoming the Gender Digital Divide:Understanding ICTs and their Potential for the Empowerment of Women”, INSTRAW Research Paper Series no. 1 http://www.un-instraw.org/en/concepts/other-issues/overcoming-the-gender-digital-divide-understanding-icts-and-their-potential-for-the-empowerment-of-women-/view.html
  3. Ranjana Banerjee, “Tackling Gender Disparity in Primary and Secondary Education and the Empowerment of Women”
  4. Sophia Huyer, June 2003, “Gender, ICT, and Education”
  5. Gender and Development Group, The World Bank, October 2006, “ICT & Gender Equality: Gender and Development Briefing Notes”
  6. June 24-26, 2002 Ottawa, Canada, “Gender Issues and Barriers to Information and Communications Technologies” Sponsored by the Commonwealth of Learning, the International Development Research Centre and the New Zealand Agency for International Development
  7. Lyndsay Green (Lyndsay Green and Associates), Lawry Trevor-Deutsch (Strathmere Associates International Limited), September 2002, “Women and ICTs for Open and Distance Learning: Some Experiences and Strategies from the Commonwealth”
  8. Mercy Tembon and Lucia Fort, 2008, “Gender Equality, Empowerment, and Economic Growth”, The World Bank
  9. Mohammad Ali, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, 2003 “ASPBAE RESEARCH ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY”, Bangladesh http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/file_download.php/1bb1630e3ed7c4a90ca0eec2f15c7a7cICT+EDUCATION+CASE+STUDY.pdf
  10. Nidhi Tandon, Oct 2006 Information and Communication Technologies in Bangladesh Trends, Opportunities and Options for Women Workers, Networked Intelligence for Development
  11. Information and Communications Technology Policy for Afghanistan, Final Report, ICT Policy Development and Implementation Seminar for Afghanistan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 14-18, 2002
  12. Minori Terada, E-business piloting and readiness for rural women weavers in Bhutan: lessons learned
  13. Roger Harris Alain Jacquemin, Subra Ponthagunta Jaysingh Sah, 2003, Rural Development with ICTs in Nepal: Integrating National Policy with Grassroots Resourcefulness
  14. Leelangi Wanasundera, Computer-Based Communications and Women: The Case of Sri Lanka
  15. Malika Ibrahim, Maldives, Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2005/2006 “.mv” Maldives

Missiridia Universal information symbol.svg Other Relavent Links

  1. http://www.apcwomen.org/gem/?q=gem_users
  2. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/EXTDATASTATISTICS/EXTEDSTATS/0,,menuPK:3232818~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:3232764,00.html
  3. http://www.genderit.org/en/index.shtml?apc=i90482-e--1
  4. http://ictupdate.cta.int/en/Feature-Articles/ICTs-and-Mainstreaming-Gender
  5. http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/ministries/planninganddevelopment-ministry/usefull%20links/Gender%20Mainstreaming/Index.htm
  6. http://www.genderit.org/en/index.shtml?w=a&x=95062
  7. http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/ministries/planninganddevelopment-ministry/usefull%20links/Gender%20Mainstreaming/news.htm

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