- 1 Details
- 2 Project goals, objectives / outcomes / deliverable
- 3 Background
- 4 Objectives
- 5 Outcomes
- 6 Rationale
- 7 Key Project Time-line due dates & Reporting person
- 7.1 Project approval by 20/10/2007
- 7.2 Initial staff development by 20/12/2007
- 7.3 Contextualise unit standard by 20/01/2008
- 7.4 Develop a learning resource reference list by 20/03/2008
- 7.5 Design and script education resource developments by 20/03/2008
- 7.6 Production of education resources by 20/05/2008
- 7.7 Design and develop learning activities by 20/06/2008
- 7.8 Final staff development by 20/07/2008
- 8 Key People / Roles / Tasks
- 9 Key Technical Requirements
- 10 Risks and Response
- 12 Project Plan Sign Off
Application for: Dunedin Horticulture Units Date: 21/08/2007
Project Title and Department
Dunedin Horticulture Units - Technology and Science
Project Leader
Lisa Burton
EDC Programme Developer
Leigh Blackall
Credit Value of Project
35 credits
Project goals, objectives / outcomes / deliverable
This project will develop 35 credits worth of level 3 and 4 NZQA Horticulture Units for online and flexible . This development will enable Otago Polytechnic to offer flexible and online training and education services to apprentices working in Botanical Gardens. Resource developments will be complimentary to the mainstream Horticulture/Aboriculture programmes being offered at the Dunedin and Cromwell campuses.
Dunedin campus, Horticulture programme has negotiated a $50 000 p/a service agreement with a Botanical Garden to offer training and education around the NZQA Unit standards listed below.
Educational resources that Otago Polytechnic will deliver to Botanical Gardens apprentices will be developed digitally and made available online to both desktop and mobile devices, as well as to print and portable media.
The development process will include
- Contextualise unit standard statements, elements and performance criteria to the learning environment and learner profile.
- Develop a learning resource reference list that relates to the elements and performance criteria of the unit standards.
- Develop new learning resources for elements and performance criteria that do not already have suitable learning resources available.
- Design and develop learning activities that draw from the learning resource reference list and offer a variety of opportunities for learning, and are reusable in online, mobile and print communications media.
- Staff development in the use and production of information and communication media to ensure sustained maintenance and support of learning through the resources and activities.
Units to be developed
- NZQA 1668 – Demonstrate knowledge of common amenity plant pests, diseases and disorders – level 3, 5 credits
- NZQA 1674 – Select control programmes for amenity plant pests – level 4, 5 credits
- NZQA 1675 – Select control programmes for amenity plant diseases and disorders – level 4, 5 credits
- NZQA 21557 – Identify plant pests, diseases, and disorders, and describe control measures – level 4, 4 credits
- NZQA 1667 – Use and maintain small, powered amenity machinery and equipment – level 3, 5 credits
People engaged or interested in training for the unit standards will have access to an up-to-date library of online and reusable learning resources, activities and assessments for use in:
- Classroom learning - online, multi and/or print media used to support standard classroom learning
- Self paced learning - the option to learn off site and in own time, using appropriately designed learning activities made available online
- Workplace learning - the option to use specially designed educational resources, learning activities and assessment activities in the workplace
- Flexible learning - a combination of some or all of the above methods to flexibly suite the learner needs
Staff involved in the training and assessment of these units will develop knowledge and skills in media and communication so as to:
- continue to maintain the library of resources,
- to update or develop new learning and assessment activities,
- and to support the range learning options made available.
This project will use a simple, thorough, consistent and sustainable development process that will result in:
- Otago Polytechnic teachers having access to resources and activities that will assist them to develop more efficient and/or more effective learner support and assessment practices.
- Otago Polytechnic students will have access to resources and activities that will offer a wide range of supported learning options.
- Potential students are able to access resources and activities that inform them of learning options and assessment expectations.
- The wider community will have access to resources and activities that will offer the community access to self paced learning opportunities for possible use in a negotiated assessment and certification process.
Key Project Time-line due dates & Reporting person
Provide a timetable for the project, including start and finish dates, and dates and deliverable for interim milestones and milestone completion. List Key Dates such as programme plan signoff, programme development progress, Programme approval achieved. Negotiate plan around key dates with Academic Quality Unit and programme staff.
Project approval by 20/10/2007
Key Responsibility for milestone: Leigh Blackall Reporting target: HOD, Group, EDC, ISS, AQ and Finance sign off
Initial staff development by 20/12/2007
Key Responsibility for milestone: Leigh Blackall Reporting target:
- All staff involved in the project understand the range of development options available to them, the issues to consider, and have decided on the most appropriate process for development.
- All staff know how to search for and appropriate reusable education resources.
- All staff are assigned lead responsibility to unit standard development.
Contextualise unit standard by 20/01/2008
Key Responsibility for milestone: Lisa Burton Reporting target:
- All unit standard elements and performance criteria to be loaded into a collaborative editing platform with a start made on the library of resources according to unit elements
Develop a learning resource reference list by 20/03/2008
Key Responsibility for milestone: Lisa Burton Reporting target:
- All unit standard library of resources will have complete and maintained lists of reusable education resources
Design and script education resource developments by 20/03/2008
Key Responsibility for milestone: Lisa Burton Reporting target:
- A list of educational resources that require production to supplement the library of resources
Production of education resources by 20/05/2008
- Key Responsibility for milestone: Leigh Blackall
- Reporting target: Educational resources are developed according to best practices
Design and develop learning activities by 20/06/2008
- Key Responsibility for milestone: Lisa Burton
- Reporting target: Teaching staff have worked regularly with the EDC to design and develop learning and assessment activities that draw from the resource library and compliment the range of learning options stated in the outcomes
Final staff development by 20/07/2008
- Key Responsibility for milestone: Leigh Blackall
- Reporting target: All staff will be competent in the use of information and communications media to the point of being able to maintain the development and support the range of learning options
Key People / Roles / Tasks
Kim Thomas
Kim will contextualise unit standards, source reusable resources, and help script resource productions. Kim will also be responsible for ensuring the maintainance of units allocated to her, as well as assist with staff debvelopment activities in light of her previous experience in development projects. Kim will require at least 3 hours per week contracted.
Leigh Blackall
Leigh will lead the training of staff in the use of ICTs and offer advise on the development of learning and assessment activities. Leigh will require 3 hours per week journaled.
Lisa Burton
Lisa will coordinate the staff development, resource development and teaching timetables so that enough time is allocated to staff each week so as to keep to the timeline. Lisa will allocate responsibilities for maintaining units to the staff in the Department, as well as negotiate potential collaborations with other departments or institutions. Lisa will require at least 3 hours per week release.
Lisa Short
Lisa will contextualise unit standards, source reusable resources, and help script resource productions. Lisa will also be responsible for ensuring the maintainance of units allocated to her. Lisa will require at least 3 hours per week release.
A librarian to assist with Internet research techniques and copyright awareness will need to be contracted to a total of 10 hours.
Media producer
A communications designer/producer will need to be contracted in depending on how much new development work is identified, but will not exceed 30 hours.
Key Technical Requirements
- File server space and bandwidth for 3 teachers
- 1 digital camera
- 50% of home broadband monthly fee
Risks and Response
Include an analysis of project risks and how you would mitigate against them. What are the key risks? Risk area Likelihood Action taken to reduce risk
Staff time
Staff time can easily impact on the weekly progress of this project. Working in the same location to where the teaching services occure can easily impact on the time afforded to the development. Offering a 50% subsidy to home broadband connection will help staff who may choose to from home or other location if that environment is conducive to uninterrupted and focused work. Each staff member will be expected to log weekly progress so as to document and monitor progress.
Using the template provided, show your budget for the project, itemising costs such as salaries/wages (time), materials, specialist resources required, programme development/writing, any associated travel, etc.
Provide a detailed budget that indicates the likely cost for the proposed project. Indicate the cost of major budget items on a quarterly basis and the basis upon which each item has been calculated. Budgets are GST inclusive if they involve external parties. The budget should include such items as salaries/wages, materials, technical/specialist input, any travel, accommodation, and other expenses.
Item | Aug - Oct | Nov - Jan | Feb - Apr | May - Jul | Total |
EDC staff | 12hrs = $420 | 12hrs = $420 | 12hrs = $420 | 12hrs = $420 | $1680 |
Department Staff | 3x12hrs p/mth = $1260 | 3x12hrs p/mth = $1260 | 3x12hrs p/mth = $1260 | 3x12hrs p/mth = $1260 | $5040 |
Admin Overhead (20% of EDC staff allocation) | $84 | $84 | $84 | $84 | $336 |
External Staff | Librarian 2hrs = $70 | Librarian 3hrs = $105
Media producer max 15hrs = $375 |
Librarian 4hrs = $140
Media producer max 15hrs = $375 |
$1065 | |
Other Expenses | Digital camera $600
File server and bandwidth x 3 = $200 50% home broadband x 3 = $180 |
50% home broadband x 3 = $180 | 50% home broadband x 3 = $180 | 50% home broadband x 3 = $180 | $1520 |
Total Operational Costs | $9641 |
Project Plan Sign Off
Group Manager
(Plan agreed and is in Business Plan priority listing)
Sign and date:
EDC Project Manager
(Plan agreed and resources / EDC support planned)
Sign and date:
Chief Operating Officer
(CAPEX funding allocated)
Sign and date:
Academic Quality Unit
(academic quality approval dates checked)
Sign and date:
Information Technology Manager
(Information Technology Requirements are able to be met)
Sign and Date: