History of Hawaiian Kingdom/Pacific islands B

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History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Unit 1 Benchmark Map

Big Idea(s) / Major Understanding(s): Students will understand that...

  • The unification of the Hawaiian Islands marked the end of Hawaii's feudal history and the beginning of its transformation into a more modern constitutional monarchy that mirrored European empires.
  • The unification of the Hawaiian Islands brought peace and prosperity to the islands, but it also provided an opportunity for foreigners to work with one unified, Hawaiian government.
  • After Kamehameha I's death, his successors were left to deal with foreigners, encourage trade, use foreign technology and to withstand foreign rule.
  • In the Monarchy period, the Hawaiian government was transformed in phases with the promulgation of constitutions that brought a decline in power of the monarchy and increased the power of popularly elected officials.
  • A number of conditions provided the impetus for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy

Standard 1: Historical Understanding: CHANGE, CONTINUITY, AND CAUSALITY-Understand change and/or continuity and cause and/or effect in history

7HHK.1.1 Historical Change and Continuity

  • Analyze both change and continuity during unification and the monarchy period

Standard 3: History: HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM-Understand important historical events in the history of the Hawaii Kingdom

7HHK.3.1 Unification

  • Explain the events (including warfare and land control), people (including Kamehameha, Kekuhaupio, Kalani'opu'u, Kiwala'o, Keoua, Keawemauhili, Kahekili, Kalanikupule, Davis, and Young), and ideas (including foreign advisors, weaponry, and strategies) that led to the unification of the Hawaiian Islands

7HHK.3.2 Unification

  • Describe the effects of unification on the Hawaiian Islands (including establishment of monarchy, peaceful rule of Kamehameha, Mamala Hoe Kanawai, organization of government, and rebuilding of resources)

7HHK.3.3Foreigners and Missionaries

  • Explain reasons foreigners (including explorers, whalers, traders, and missionaries) came to Hawaii and explain the political (including change in government and roles/power of leaders), social (including the decline of Hawaiian population, Christianity, the establishment of churches/schools, and end of kapu system) and economic (including the rise of mercantilism) impact on Hawaii

7HHK.3.6 Mahele

  • Describe the Mahele of 1848, why it came about, and the social, political, economic effect it had on native Hawaiians and others

7HHK.3.7 Overthrow

  • Analyze the roles of significant individuals (including King David Kalakaua, Robert Wilcox, Queen Liliuokalani, Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin A. Thurston, and Minister Stevens) and groups (including Annexationist/Committee of Public Safety, Aloha Aina, and American businessmen) and their involvement in the Overthrow

HHK Unit 2 Benchmark Map

Big Idea(s) / Major Understanding(s): Students will understand that... A traditional subsistence economy could not co-exist with the shift to a modern market economy.

  • The change in Hawaii's economy from a subsistence economy to a market economy had a negative impact on Native Hawaiian land ownership and subsequent suffrage.
  • Hawaii's location has greatly affected its economic development.
  • The Native Hawaiians' views of land ownership were in stark contrast to western views of land ownership.
  • The sugar industry in Hawaii dominated the economy and society. It also influenced government.
  • Immigrant labor, brought into Hawaii to work on the plantations, created the diverse society we know today, contributing to the uniqueness of Hawaii.

Standard 3: History: HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM-Understand important historical events in the history of the Hawaii Kingdom

7HHK.3.4 Sugar and Plantations

  • Describe the development of the sugar industry in Hawaii (including the fall of whaling, demand/production of sugar, and plantations) and the economic, social, and political effects it had on Hawaii (including the interest of American businessmen, establishment of Big 5, 1848 Mahele, and immigration of contract laborers).

7HHK.3.5 Sugar and Plantations

  • Describe the coming of early immigrant groups (including Chinese, Portuguese, and Japanese) to Hawaii as contract laborers, their experience in the plantation system, aspects of their culture that was brought with them (including beliefs, knowledge, and/or practices), and the relationships that developed between themselves as well as others (including inequities on the job, cultural diffusion, and/or assimilation)

Standard 7: Geography: WORLD IN SPATIAL TERMS-Use geographic representations to organize, analyze, and present information on people, places, and environments and understand the nature and interaction of geographic regions and societies around the world

7HHK.7.1 Human and Physical Characteristics in Spatial Terms

  • Analyze the relationship between economic activities, their location, and the physical characteristics of a given place (including businesses, plantations, and trading)

Standard 8: Economics: RESOURCES, MARKETS, AND GOVERNMENT-Understand economic concepts and the characteristics of various economic systems

7HHK.8.1 Role and Function of markets

  • Explain how prices and products (including sandalwood, whales, and sugar) were affected by the interactions between producers in Hawaii and global buyers in this era

7HHK.8.2 International Economics

  • Describe how trade between Hawaii and other countries is affected by regulations