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At its core, a quiz is a competition to answer questions correctly, whether among individuals, among teams, or for personal use. In a typical educational setting, a quiz is a brief, informal assessment offering an opportunity for learners and teachers to assess the learner's understanding and/or skill in a particular area of study. Quizzes may also be used to further practice a skill, e.g., flashcards may be considered a type of quiz.

Options for creating quiz questions

WikiEducator offers two approaches for adding traditional (e.g., multiple-choice or true/false) quiz-type questions to a page: a quiz tool and quiz question templates. All options offer scoring feedback; cumulative scoring is available with the quiz tool. In addition, WikiEducator offers templates for including less traditional quiz-type questions, e.g., flashcards, a reflection with expandable feedback.

Quiz tool

The quiz tool, instantiated using quiz tags, offers functionality to create multiple-choice (single response and multiple response), true-false, short answer (typed response), cloze (fill in the blank), numerical response and tabular response questions using wikitext. The quiz includes a scoring function, a feedback option (e.g., for each option in a multiple-choice question), and the ability to include images, animations, audio, and hyperlinks.

Quiz question templates

WikiEducator offers a number of different templates for creating quiz-type questions.

Multiple-choice single selection

  • For a simple wikitext option use Template:Quiz_Multiple_Choice; specified feedback (e.g., correct/incorrect) displays upon selection of option; offers options to randomize answers and to add a quiz-level hint.

True-false A true-false question is easy to make using a multiple-choice template; there are two possible responses, true or false.

Cloze (fill in the blank)


  • Use Template:Flashcard to create a quiz-type question with the question on the "front" and the answer on the "back"; includes functionality to use images and sound on the front and/or back of the card.
    Example: German pronoun quiz

Advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches

see the collection of available pedagogical templates offered under Working Examples