Health Capacity and Social problem analysis
Day 3. CORE 603.10, 2009
The workshop agenda
1. Wiki set up and exercise. Write summary of the type of information that is available in each of the sites.
Cause, manifestation, diagnosis Yesterday I found articles on the neuroscience behind Bipolar Disorders. I’m going to do extra research to understand these articles. I found the bipolar “bible” called Manic-Depressive Illness by Kay Redfield Jamison and Fredrick Goodwin, which has some great information. I have found tons of information that I need to sort through now.
Cure:The only resource searched was UPTODate. Three relevant articles were found.
Care, Support, Best Practices and Health Promotion: I looked at UpToDate – no info; ACP Pier had some info but mostly on treatment and diagnosis; eBrary preliminary search.
Stigma and Social Control research has been focused on psychology articles, online resources (such as Advocacy groups) and Loseke's book Thinking about Social Problems.
2. Preliminary ideas of factors to consider in health capacity 3. Positive Factors related to each site 4. Social problems in each site
2. What would increasing health capacity look like for your topic? Your focus is on the person/ family and the direct support/front line. The following are some ideas that you might consider.
Capacity with a focus on social supports and connections Families- look at their frustrations
Cause: Info is available. How can we help people understand it better? Visual aids... Pregnant women & family planning- what kind of info are they getting?
Diagnosis: Where to go. Other options than family doctors.
Cure, prevention and prognosis. Focus on language used to describe the treatment. Increase capacity around language? Helping people get information in plain language but also understand scientific language. Prevention- main tips.
Care, support, best practice and health promotion. Community capacity
Social Control and Stigma- Influence of drug companies Justifying control advocacy employment
• knowledge
• strategies
• ways to anticipate, manage, monitor health
• incentives for capacity
• tools for interacting with the health services and systems
• access to resources needed to build and maintain capacity
• the range of people, organizations and communities who are able to address problems,
• reducing problems of social inequity and social exclusion that impact on health
• social determinants of health
• connections and social support.
General Health Capacity factors that might be in play
Social supports and connection
3. and 4 Positive Factors and Social Problems.
Cause, manifestation, diagnosis
Factors to look into to increase health capacity How? What lacks, gaps, excesses, social problems act to decrease health capacity? How?
Difficult to diagnose - DSM IV tr vs. ICD- different criteria - important to look at family history if someone is depressed- if history of bipolar is there, mania may occur.
Cure, prognosis, prevention
Factors to look into to increase health capacity How?
What lacks, gaps, excesses, social problems act to decrease health capacity? How?
Care, Support, Best practices, Health Promotions
Factors to look into to increase health capacity How? What lacks, gaps, excesses, social problems act to decrease health capacity? How?
- due to stigma are not getting support needed
Factors to look into to increase health capacity How? What lacks, gaps, excesses, social problems act to decrease health capacity? How?
Summary of social problems to be investigated.
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