HTTP, URL, Hyperlink, ISP, FTP

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Define and understand the terms: HTTP, URL, hyperlink, ISP, FTP

A protocol is a rule for communication. Communication takes places at several levels. TCP/IP is the protocol that controls the flow of communication. Any specific type of communication that takes place needs additional rules that define how it will take place.

When HTML pages are transmitted across the Internet, the procedures are defined by another protocol called HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol.

One of the features of the Internet is the ability to download files from sites. Downloading files requires another protocol called FTP or File Transfer Protocol.

Each website has a unique address called its URL or Uniform Resource Locator. The is also sometimes referred to as a web address. The structure of URLs will be discussed in the next section. To access a website, you would type its URL into the browser search window and press Enter or click the Search button.

Pic7.1.jpg Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks are links attached to text and icons in web pages and documents that enable you to jump directly to another site without having to type its URL into the search window. By convention, text which has a hyperlink associated with it is shown in a blue underlined font. To use a hyperlink, simply click on the text or icon in the web page. The browser is able to interpret the hyperlink and locate and display the site automatically.

ISP To access the Internet, you need certain things:

  • A computer
  • A telephone line
  • A modem
  • Browser software on your computer
  • An account with an ISP.

To access the Internet Backbone, you need to have a link to an organisation that does. Special types of businesses have arisen whose purpose is to provide links for individuals and small organisations to the Internet. These companies are called Internet Service Providers or ISPs. In exchange for a fee, they will provide you with a link between your computer and the Internet backbone. ISPs vary in price and quality. Quality in this sense refers to how easy it will be for you to establish a connection and, once connected, how fast that connection will be.

See Also