3.3.4 HTML text formatting tags
HTML headings
Six levels of headings can be define in HTML from <H1> to <H6>.
<H level> Heading Text</H level>
The levels of heading is from most important (<H1>) to least important (<H6>)
Example: <H1> Heading One </H1> .........
......... <H6> Heading Six </H6>
HTML paragraphs
<p> tag is paragraph tag.
A blank line always separated paragraphs.
<p> paragraph text </p>
Line break & Horizontal Line
<BR> tag is used to start from a new line.
<HR> tag creates horizontal line in a HTML page
Example: Text before break <Br>Text before line <HR> Text after line Output: Text before break
Text before line
Text after line
Bold, Italic, Underline & Centering page elements
<B> tag displays the text boldface style.
<I> tag displays the text into italics.
<U> tag display text as underlined.
<CENTER> tag is used to center any page element i.e. text, list, image, table etc.
Example: <B> Text </B>
<I> Text </I>
<U> Text </U>
<center> text <center>