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Open Educational Resources
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OER (Open Educational Resources)

My vision for WikiEducator is to develop educational resources for use in: Sociology, Management Training, Planning, Poverty Elimination, Gender Balance, The Defeat of Aids, Functional Literacy, Micro Enterprise, Credit Organizing, Development, and Community Empowerment.

I also want this to be a portal for anthropologists and other social scientists, for access to my ethnographic research on the Akan of West Africa.

A further contribution has to do with exploring non traditional methods of teaching. The "Why" document in the Functional Literacy module goes well beyond the teaching of literacy and suggests how participatory methods can be used to develop an interactive approach between teacher and taught. muddying the demarcating line.

Potentialul communitatii

Potentialul communitatii

Links to Further Resources:

Basic Community Work

Participatory Appraisal
The Brainstorm
Participatory Management 2
Gender Balance
Community Project Design
Community Resources
Income Generation
Building a Credit Organization
Micro Enterprise Training
Measuring Community Strength
Monitoring and Evaluation
Report Writing

Advanced Community Work

Managing Mobilization
Community Research
Water Supply
Non Material Community Development
Capacity Development
Promoting an Enabling Environment
After the Disaster


Sociological Perspectives
Three Classical Sociologists
Cultural Dimensions 2
Social Inequality
Sociology of Community
Family and Kinship
Socialization and Education
Crime and Deviance
Culture Change
Sociological Research

Akan Studies (English)

Akan Studies
Akan Religion
Oil Palm
Akan Gender
Akan History and Social Change
Kwawu Maps
Kwawu/Akan Social Organization

Teaching Methods

Training Methods
Teaching Reading Skills
Functional Literacy
Management Training
Learning an Unwritten Language


Today is: 2024 July 17, Wednesday
The time is 20:22, Zulu (ie. at Greenwich)

WikiEducator News & Events

Tutorials, Meetings and News

Tips and Suggestions

Tips and Ideas

Frequent Contacts

Our little band, and friends of CE

Notes from my Wikineighbours

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