Guide visitors through an adventure tourism activity/Activities/Dining

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What shall I make for dinner?

Image courtesy of dps


US 12408, Version 4, Level 4, Credit 14

PC 1.7 - Food is prepared and served in accordance to any dietary requirements

PC 1.8 - Food and equipment is cleared away and stored and waste disposed of appropriately


Plan, purchase, prepare and serve an evening meal for your guests


Please complete the following:

  • plan a three course dinner menu for your guests (PC 1.7)
    • ascertain guests dietary requirements (religious, cultural, dietary health awareness)
      • One of your guests is buddhist and avoids beef
      • One is lactose intolerant
      • and another does not drink alcohol, or caffeine
  • Hand in a copy of the menu to your tutor

  • prepare a budget for food costs and then purchase the food
  • cook and serve the food (PC 1.7)
  • clean up and put equipment away, dispose of waste in most appropriate manner (so as to have minimal environmental impact) available to you in the environment being worked in. eg. recycling, composting, non recyclables separated out - (PC 1.8)

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