Group 4 - Activities

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Specific activities

Purpose 1 Increase production of indigenous vegetables

Objective 1 To determine the species and levels of small scale production of fish in the region

Objective 2 To determine the types and levels of production of indigenous vegetables in the region


  1. Prepare data collection tools for the baseline study
  2. Collect data from the field
  3. Data analysis and preparation of inventory/database of production of indigenous vegetables and fish

Objective 3 Increase the quality and quantity of fingerlings among small scale fish farmers in the region


  1. Identify fingerling producers
  2. Training needs assessment of fingerling producers
  3. Train the fingerling producers
  4. Facilitating the production of fingerlings
  5. Facilitating the marketing of fingerlings

Objective 4 Increase the quality and quantity of fish among small scale fish farmers in the region


  1. Do needs assessment of fish producers
  2. Train the fish producers
  3. Facilitate the production of fish
  4. Facilitate the marketing of fish

Objective 5 To promote the use of locally available materials in formulating quality and affordable fish feed


  1. Identify potential locally available ingredients in the region
  2. Formulate affordable quality diets that can be used by farmers
  3. Promote/upscale the diets that would produce better results

Objective 6 Promote widespread production of indigenous vegetables


  1. Contact the agricultural extension service and other possible collaborators
  2. Awareness creation and enhancement campaigns through field days and demonstrations
  3. Follow up of cooperating farmers through relevant extension activities

Purpose 2 Effective utilisation of fish and vegetables

Objective 1 Establish utilisation patterns of vegetables


  1. Prepare data collection tools for the baseline study
  2. Collect data from the field
  3. Data analysis and preparation of inventory/database of utilisation patterns of indigenous vegetables and fish

Objective 2 Enhance the utilisation of fish and indigenous vegetables


  1. To collect information on traditional recipes and establish their suitability.
  2. Prepare local recipes for preparation of the indigenous vegetables and fish
  3. Demonstrate how to prepare some indigenous vegetables and fish using the prepared recipes
  4. Demonstrate on value addition for indigenous vegetables and fish
  5. Facilitate the identification of markets around the production areas for indigenous vegetables and fish
  6. Incorporate Home Economics officers, women groups and other interest groups in dissemination and utilization of the technologies for indigenous vegetable and fish preparation