Global Issues/Assessmentcomponentone

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Assessment Component One

This component of the assessment will comprise six blog tasks, each weighted at 5% of the final grade, for a total of 30%. Students may select any six tasks from the list of tasks below, which are also located within specific modules.

In this way, students have the opportunity to explore the topics of greatest interest to them.

Globalisation Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • What are the advantages of globalisation?
  • What are the risks associated with globalisation?
  • How does globalisation impact the developed and developing world differently?
  • Do you think globalisation makes a positive or negative contribution to the world overall?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on globalisation.

Global Citizenship Blog

Reflect upon the following question in your blog:

  • What does being a global citizen mean to you?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on global citizenship.

Global Ethics Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • How should nations prioritise strategic vs humanitarian concerns in developing their foreign policies?
  • Do you think globalisation has created more or less space for ethical considerations in international relations?
  • How do you think shocks to the international system, such as financial crises, or terror attacks, impact on the place of ethics in international relations?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on global ethics.

The Global Challenge of Poverty Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • How successful were the Millennium Development Goals in addressing poverty?
  • The World Bank Group identified two goals in its report Prosperity for All: Ending Extreme Poverty, which are ending extreme poverty by 2030, and promoting shared prosperity (that is, reducing inequality). How are these goals linked?
  • Can poverty really be addressed one product at a time?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of poverty.

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Inequality and the Sustainable Development Goals Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • The UN has identified eradicating poverty as the 'greatest global challenge'. Do you agree?
  • There are 17 SDGs, which is a major increase from the 8 MDGs. Do you think this increase is a positive addition, or too ambitious?
  • Is there a global issue that you think should have been included in the SDGs and wasn't?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on these issues.

Climate Change Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • How important do you think climate change is as a global issue?
  • Do you think the international community will act in time to limit global warming to two degrees celsius?
  • What do you do to reduce your carbon emissions? Have you got some tips for others?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to get some tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint!

Addressing Climate Change Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • Do you think the UN is the best facilitator for climate change negotiations, or could regional or national initiatives be more effective?
  • Should Australia have a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme?
  • Should emissions targets be negotiated on the basis of national targets, or per capita targets?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to get a range of perspectives on addressing climate change.

Refugees Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • Why do you think so many countries are reluctant to respect the rights of refugees as outlined in the Refugee Convention?
  • Who should be responsible for funding UNHCR?
  • Currently, the developing world hosts about ninety per cent of refugees. Do you think this is fair?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of refugees.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • Do you agree with the 'Turn Back the Boats' policy? Why/why not?
  • Do you think Australia is doing enough to assist with the Syrian refugee crisis?
  • How many refugees do you think Australia should accept each year? Justify your position.

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia.

Preventing Genocide Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • Do you think, if a similar situation to the genocide in Rwanda arose today, the UN would respond more effectively?
  • The failure of the international community to respond to the genocide in Rwanda is often regarded as a failure of 'political will' by UN member states. How does the UN 'Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes' attempt to address this failure?
  • Do you think all genocides are preventable?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of preventing genocide.

International Perspectives on Genocide Prevention Blog

Choose one of the following questions to reflect upon in your blog:

  • How can the US government, as a world leader, contribute to genocide and mass atrocity prevention?
  • How can 'middle power' governments, like those of Australia and Canada, contribute to genocide and mass atrocity prevention?
  • How can you contribute to genocide and mass atrocity prevention?

Your blog should be approximately 250 words. When you have completed your blog and posted it online, be sure to send out a tweet to advise your peers. You may also like to view the posts of other students to gain a range of perspectives on the issue of preventing genocide.