General Information on PHS
Permanent lunch passes are issued to students who wish to go to their own home every day. Otherwise, students must remain in the grounds.
Students who need to leave the school for a special reason must obtain a pass from the Attendance Bursar at the Student Office.
There is only parking available for staff and visitors – no student parking.
Regular attendance is essential for students to make good progress at school. They should be absent only if they are sick or bereaved or if there is a sudden, unavoidable emergency. If family circumstances require a student to be absent for any other reason, the school should be consulted in advance and arrangements made for work to be made up.
A phone call to the school office between 8.00 am and 9.30 am on the day a student is absent is appreciated.
An absence note is required by law the day the student returns to school. It should be signed by a parent or caregiver and state clearly the dates of absence and the nature of the illness. All notes need to be handed in to the Attendance Bursar at the Student Office. Appointments for dental and medical treatment should be made as far as possible for out of school hours, except in an emergency. This is especially important for senior students.
No student from Years 9 - 12 may leave the school without first signing in with the Attendance Bursar and receiving a Student Pass. Students must also sign in with the Attendance Bursar on their return.
Can be taken for students only in case of emergency. A coin phone is available for student use in the foyer of the Continuing Education office. Cell phones and electronic sound devices must be turned off and not seen during class times. If teachers confiscate cell phones etc. they must be given to the senior manager responsible for cell phones as soon as possible. There is an escalating sequence of consequences for breaking this rule. First time – the equipment is returned after school, second time – someone from home must either contact the senior leader in charge or come in to pick it up and the third time the offending item is put into the school safe for three weeks.
Valuable property should not be brought to school. If it is necessary to bring a large sum of money it should be left at the office or with a teacher, especially during Physical Education lessons.
Lost property is taken to the Student Office. Owners of named garments are informed in the Daily notices if property is handed in. We expect that students will have checked their classrooms or the area where their belongings went missing and asked their friends and teachers in case they have them, before coming to search through the Lost Property.
Stationery Lists are issued to all students. Stationery is not sold through the school.
Text Books are issued free of charge and returned when no longer required. A charge will be made for lost or damaged books.
Activities Fee Families are strongly encouraged to pay this fee which provides for educational, cultural, some sporting and social activities and sundry expenses (eg prize givings, field trips, subsidies and the school magazine). Amounts are revised each year and parents given details in the first term. Current fees are as follows: $100.00 per year for one student $80 for the second sibling $65 for the third and subsequent siblings
Course Fee All students taking courses in practical subjects (eg Outdoor Education, Technology, Art) are required to pay the cost of the materials used. Juniors students also have a course fee of approximately $70.00. Parents are advised what the charges for each subject will be, but may be assured they are kept to a minimum.
Students travelling by bicycle must obey all traffic rules. They should not take a short-cut through Northlands or ride on the footpath (unless it is a combined foot and cycle way). Care must be taken moving in and out of the school. Bicycles are to be put in bike stands. The bicycle’s serial number should be recorded at home. Students are required to wear cycle helmets.
Motor cycles and cars can be brought to school only if the parents complete a consent form that is available from the school office. Passengers may not be carried unless their parents have also provided written confirmation and the driver has the appropriate licence.
Students are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour and appearance at all times when using buses.
HOMEWORK is part of the learning process. As a guide junior students should allow 3 - 5 hours and seniors 6 - 10 hours per week.
Notification of any emergency that required the closing of the school would be broadcast over Newstalk 3ZB between 7.30 am and 8.30 am.
Each form level has a “meet the teacher” evening when parents can discuss student progress. Appointment times for “meet the Teacher” are made via students, so parents do not face long delays in seeing teachers.
This is an excellent opportunity for parents to see the school in action, especially for those who will have a child starting at Papanui High School the following year. Usually held in May the date of this “Open Night” can be checked with the school office and will be published throughout the community. Interviews can be arranged with the Principal, Senior Staff, Heads of Level or a Guidance Counsellor by phoning for an appointment. If at any time during the year parents wish to discuss any aspect of their child’s education, they should not hesitate to ring the school for an appointment.
It is compulsory in New Zealand to attend secondary school until age 16. Papanui High School encourages parents/caregivers to see the lifetime advantages for children in gaining the fullest possible education appropriate for each child.
Students leaving Papanui High School at the end of their secondary education will obtain clearance cards from the Student Support Centre. A signed letter from home is required first. Students not transferring to another school or going to a job or training course should make an appointment with a careers counsellor.
All text books, equipment and other items borrowed from the school must be returned and any outstanding monies paid before the student can complete the leaving formalities.
A leaving certificate is available for every student completing their secondary education. Testimonials from the Principal can be obtained (once only) by senior students and it is best for them to wait until they are definitely leaving before requesting one.
The Association supports the school in maintaining contact with former Students through social occasions. The contact person is Mr Arnold Sheppard, phone 358 2005