GESlessons/BECE1991 Objective Test
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A Multiple Choice Quiz
- The earth rotates on its axis every
- 12 hours
- Wrong
- 36 hours
- Wrong
- 24 hours
- Correct
- 48 hours
- Wrong
- 50 hours
- Wrong
- 12 hours
- The ratio between measurement on a map and the actual corresponding distance on the ground is
- a longitude
- Wrong
- a scale
- Correct
- a latitude
- Wrong
- an isotherm
- Wrong
- a contour
- Wrong
- a longitude
- The instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure is called
- rain gauge
- Wrong
- thermometer
- Wrong
- barometer
- Wrong
- wind vane
- Correct
- rain gauge
- Which of the following is not an imaginary line drawn on maps?
- Axis
- Correct
- Equator
- Wrong
- A latitude
- Wrong
- Longitude
- Wrong
- Greenwich meridian
- Wrong
- Axis
- The conventional sign ∆ drawn on topographical maps stands for
- survey baecon
- Wrong
- boundary pillar
- Wrong
- wireless staion
- Wrong
- camp site
- Wrong
- trigonometrical station
- Correct
- survey baecon
- A long narrow depression with a download slope on the earth's surface is called
- an inselberg
- Wrong
- sand dune
- Wrong
- valley
- Correct
- a ridge
- Wrong
- a spur
- Wrong
- an inselberg
- The following are continents in the world except
- Africa
- Wrong
- Canada
- Correct
- Europe
- Wrong
- Australia
- Wrong
- South America
- Wrong
- Africa
- The capital of the Upper East Region is
- Bolgatanga
- Correct
- Tamale
- Wrong
- Wa
- Wrong
- Bawku
- Wrong
- Zuarungu
- Wrong
- Bolgatanga
- The highest annual rainfall in Ghana is recorded at
- Accra
- Wrong
- Kumasi
- Wrong
- Sunyani
- Wrong
- Navrongo
- Wrong
- Axim
- Correct
- Accra
- In which of the following regions in Ghana is Lake Bosomtwe located?
- Brong Ahafo
- Wrong
- Eastern
- Wrong
- Central
- Wrong
- Ashanti
- Wrong
- Northern
- Correct
- Brong Ahafo
- Nsuta in Ghana is noted for the mining of
- diamond
- Wrong
- manganese
- Correct
- bauxite
- Wrong
- salt
- Wrong
- gold
- Wrong
- diamond
- The language spoken by the largest group of people in Ghana is
- Hausa
- Wrong
- Ewe
- Wrong
- Akan
- Correct
- Guan
- Wrong
- Dagaare
- Wrong
- Hausa
- The Aboakyire festival is celebrated by the people of
- Dodowa
- Wrong
- Elmina
- Wrong
- Wenchi
- Wrong
- Salaga
- Wrong
- Winneba
- Correct
- Dodowa
- Which of the following is a primary occupation?
- Fishing
- Correct
- Teaching
- Wrong
- Carpentry
- Wrong
- Trading
- Wrong
- Dressmaking
- Wrong
- Fishing
- Golden jubilee is celebrated at every
- 10 years
- Wrong
- 15 years
- Wrong
- 25 years
- Wrong
- 50 years
- Correct
- 100 years
- Wrong
- 10 years
- Which of the following West African countries is the leading producer in phosphate?
- Ghana
- Wrong
- La Cote D'voire
- Wrong
- Nigeria
- Wrong
- Liberia
- Wrong
- Togo
- Correct
- Ghana
- The first castle built in Ghana in 1482 was in
- Cape Coast
- Wrong
- Accra
- Wrong
- Axim
- Wrong
- Anomabu
- Wrong
- Elmina
- Correct
- Cape Coast
- The Jos plateau in Nigeria is noted for the production of
- Gold
- Wrong
- Bauxite
- Wrong
- Tin
- Correct
- Diamond
- Wrong
- Coal
- Wrong
- Gold
- The meteorological services department deals with
- Water
- Wrong
- Star
- Wrong
- Power
- Wrong
- Minerals
- Wrong
- Weather
- Correct
- Water
- Electricity from Ghana is exported to
- Gabon
- Wrong
- Togo
- Correct
- Nigeria
- Wrong
- Liberia
- Wrong
- Sierra Leone
- Wrong
- Gabon
- The Fulanis are noted for
- lumbering
- Wrong
- herding
- Correct
- trading
- Wrong
- fishing
- Wrong
- mining
- Wrong
- lumbering
- The Sagrenti War of 1874 was fought between the
- Fantes and Asantes
- Wrong
- British and Fantes
- Wrong
- Akyems and Asantes
- Wrong
- British and Asantes
- Correct
- Akuapims and Akwamus
- Wrong
- Fantes and Asantes
- Yaa Asantewaa, who led the Asante army to war in 1901, was the queenmother of
- Kumasi
- Wrong
- Kormantsi
- Wrong
- Ejisu
- Correct
- Juaben
- Wrong
- Bekwai
- Wrong
- Kumasi
- The first capital town to be built by the Asantes was
- Kumawu
- Wrong
- Kumasi
- Wrong
- Kokofu
- Wrong
- Nsuta
- Wrong
- Asantemanso
- Correct
- Kumawu
- Who was the first person to represent the British government in the Gold Coast?
- Captain George Maclean
- Wrong
- Commander Hill
- Wrong
- Sir Gordon Guggisberg
- Wrong
- Sir Charles McCarthy
- Correct
- Sir Alan Burns
- Wrong
- Captain George Maclean
- Who was the Chairman of the United Gold Coast Convention(U.G.C.C)
- George Grant
- Correct
- Dr J.B Danquah
- Wrong
- Ako Adjei
- Wrong
- E.A. Akuffo-Addo
- Wrong
- Obetsebi Lamptey
- Wrong
- George Grant
- The capital of the Ancient Ghana Empire was
- Walata
- Wrong
- Kumbi-Saleh
- Correct
- Gao
- Wrong
- Jeriba
- Wrong
- Timbuktu
- Wrong
- Walata
- The most important commodities of the Trans-Saharan Trade were
- salt and kolanuts
- Wrong
- gold and gunpowder
- Wrong
- salt and gold
- Correct
- palm oil and gold
- Wrong
- beads and salt
- Wrong
- salt and kolanuts
- The Organization of Africa Union is made up of only
- Independent African states
- Correct
- Dependent African states
- Wrong
- Colonized African states
- Wrong
- Warring African states
- Wrong
- Black African states
- Wrong
- Independent African states
- The mediterranean lands are well known for the production of
- minerals
- Wrong
- textiles
- Wrong
- citrus
- Correct
- metals
- Wrong
- chemicals
- Wrong
- minerals
- Which of the following diseases cannot be prevented by immunization?
- Measles
- Wrong
- Correct
- Polio
- Wrong
- Small Pox
- Wrong
- Whooping
- Wrong
- Measles
- How many countries form the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)?
- Sixteen
- Correct
- Fourteen
- Wrong
- Twenty
- Wrong
- Twenty-one
- Wrong
- Ten
- Wrong
- Sixteen
- Which of the following countries is not a member of the Economic Community of West African States?
- Guinnea Bissau
- Wrong
- Mali
- Wrong
- Mauritania
- Wrong
- Cameroon
- Correct
- Nigeria
- Wrong
- Guinnea Bissau
- Commonwealth Day falls on
- 12th March
- 1st May
- 1st July
- 24th October
- 31st December
- Bauxite is the raw material for the production of
- brass
- Wrong
- steel
- Wrong
- aluminium
- Correct
- bronze
- Wrong
- copper
- Wrong
- brass
- Who was the first chairman of the Organization of African Unity(O.A.U)
- Ahmed Sekou Toure
- Wrong
- Jomo Kenyatta
- Wrong
- Dr Kwame Nkrumah
- Wrong
- Nnamdi Azikiwe
- Wrong
- Haile Selassie
- Correct
- Ahmed Sekou Toure
- The headquaters of the World Health Organization is at
- Addis Ababa
- Wrong
- Geneva
- Correct
- Washinton D.C
- Wrong
- New York
- Wrong
- Cairo
- Wrong
- Addis Ababa
- The system of apartheid was practised in
- Ireland
- Wrong
- Congo
- Wrong
- Korea
- Wrong
- South-Africa
- Correct
- Britain
- Wrong
- Ireland
- In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison?
- 1970
- Wrong
- 1979
- Wrong
- 1980
- Wrong
- 1989
- Wrong
- 1990
- Correct
- 1970
- The factions in the Liberia civil war signed the Bamako Peace Accord in
- July 1990
- Wrong
- August 1990
- Wrong
- October 1990
- Correct
- November 1990
- Wrong
- December 1990
- Wrong
- July 1990