The WORKSHOP | Introduction | Objectives | Workshop Schedule | Participants | Report |
The Internet has become an increasingly important feature of the learning environment. Over time, the users of the Internet and World Wide Web have benefited from the big improvements in their ability to learn and the way they pursue their academic interests. A majority of the Internet users also consistently report that it helps them to do their job better and improves the way they get information about anything using internet search engines and the websites like Wikipedia. The quest for knowledge in Internet has also led to the development of the free teaching, learning and research resources known as open educational resources that reside in the public domain and can be accessed by anyone and at anytime free of cost.
This workshop was aimed at building capacity in the area of Open Educational Resources by imparting training to educators, teachers and trainers who share the vision for free educational resources. The objective of this workshop was to provide practical hands-on skills that are essential in creating such collaborative environment where content evolves through the efforts and contributions of a large community of practitioners, researchers, learners, experts and teachers of Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences & Engineering, whose shared goal is to make the information accessible to all.