Definition of Gibbs energy:
G = H -TS (6.1)
Equilibrium criterion at constant P and T:
dG = 0 (6.2)
Definition of Helmholtz energy:
A = U -TS (6.3)
Equilibrium criterion at constant V and T:
dA = 0 (6.4)
Alternative definition of Gibbs energy:
G = U - TS +PV (6.5)
Change in internal energy:
dU = TdS -PdV (6.6)
Change in Gibbs energy:
dG = - SdT + VdP (6.7)
Change in Gibbs energy with pressure for a solid or a liquid:
ΔG = V(P - P°) (6.8)
Change in Gibbs energy with pressure for a gas:
ΔG = RT In (P/P°) (6.9)
The chemical equation:
0 = ΣiViBi (6.10)
The change in Gibbs energy by a chemical reaction:
ΔrG = ΔrG° + RT In IIi(PCO/P°)Vi (6.11)
The equilibrium constant:
K = IIi(PCO/P°)Vi(6.12)
Relation between Gibbs energy and equilibrium constant:
ΔrG° = - RTlnK (6.13)
Relations between In K and ΔrH°:
dinK /dT = ΔrH°/RT2 (6.14)
dinK /d(I/T) = -ΔrH°/R (6.15)
Definition of fugacity:
ΔG = ΔG° + RT In (f/P°) (6.16)
Fugacity approaches the pressure when the pressure approaches zero:
(f/P)=1 (6.17)
The equilibrium constant for a reaction between real gases:
K= IIi(fi/P°)Vi (6.18)