The Seven Principles of Good Undergraduate Teaching Practice

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Chickering and Gamson (1987) have identified seven principles of good undergraduate teaching. Please read their article to find out more about the seven principles.
  1. Encourages contact between students and faculty.
  2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students.
  3. Encourages active learning.
  4. Gives prompt feedback.
  5. Emphasizes time on task.
  6. Communicates high expectations.
  7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.

How do you meet these seven principles?

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You are now invited to complete an informal online survey designed to provide you with information on how you meet these seven principles of good undergraduate teaching.

After completing the survey,

  • Identify one principle of good teaching practice in which the inventory reveals that you are particularly strong and explain why you think this is true.
  • Next, identify one principle of good teaching practice in which the inventory reveals that you may need to improve. Do you agree with this result, If so, suggest ways in which you could improve your practice in this area.


Extra resources

Joseph Codde, a lecturer at Michigan State University has applied the seven principles in his context. You may wish to read about his tips and strategies.