Forms of Educational Technology: Teaching Technology, Instructional Technology, Behavioural Technology, Instructional Design Technology

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Forms of Educational Technology: The scientific investigations of technological developments have influenced every walk of human life. there is rapid mechanization in field of industries, defence, trade, administration, etc. the educational process does not remainuntouched by these advances. it has resulted the introduction of technology in field of edcation. There are several educational technologies and there is great overlap among them. Hence, it creates among the student. The Meaning, assumptions, content and characteristics of major educational technologies have been discussed below: 1. Teaching Technology 2. Instructional Technology 3. Behavioural Technology 4. Instructional Design Technology

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The major features of these technologies are as follows:


  • Sharma R.A. (2013) Educational Technology and Management(Models Media & Method), R.Lal Book Depot: New Delhi Page No. 23-33.