Facilitating Online/10 minute lectures

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10 minute lectures held weekly

What is being planned: Your facilitators are arranging a series of short guest lectures for the comming weeks and these will be held via the Elluminate web conferencing facility. A schedule will be posted by 14 August and lecture times will vary depending on the availability and particular time zones of the invited speakers. You will be expected to make notes from these lectures to your weblog and to join in discussion via the email forum and support web conferences.


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James Farmer - Social networking - 16 August 7pm NZST

Konrad Glogowski - Blogging communities - 20 Aug 12noon NZST

Nancy White - Peer Assist - 28 Aug 12noon NZST

To be contacted/confirmed

Derek Chirnside - Social presence

Gilly Salmon - eTivities

Stephen Downes - groups and networks, Treands and impacts, Learning networks

Sean Fitzgerald - Virtual Worlds

Vance Stevens - Webheads

Teemu Leinonen - Global communities

Terry Marler - CoP

Wayne Mackintosh - Wiki barn raising


Log research, notes from lectures