Facilitate adult learners individualised learning/Resources
From WikiEducator
Establish individualised learning outcomes
- Notes on Facilitating the learning process of kinesthetic learners in the online environment
- Notes on Teaching Methods
Negotiate action plans for individualised learning
- Facilitating the learning process of kinesthetic learners in the online environment
- Notes on Teaching Methods
Support learner progress
General resources
- Graphic depicting 3 learning styles
- Digital learning styles
- Short movie about VAK
- http://www.chaminade.org/inspire/learnstl.htm
- Test your Learning Style;8 intelligences
- Felder-Silverman Model[1]
- VARK Questionnaire[2]
- Facilitating Online - Facilitation is a rare and valuable skill to have. It is a service that is often used at conferences, debates, workshops and tutorials, or simply where groups of people need someone to help negotiate meaning and understanding, and to keep everyone engaged and on task.
General resources RSS feed
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