FLOSS4Edu Pacific Workshop/What's in it for me/Group 2
From WikiEducator
[hide]Why Participate?
- to assess the platform and available resources;
- share skills and network;
- gain more awareness of "what's out there";
- sounding board
What's in it for me?
- Professional Development / Learning new skills;
- economic benefits of Free content;
- supplements to teaching programs;
- up-to-date content;
- reusable, repurposable content;
- receiving feedback on content;
- International collaboration (student-to-student, teacher-to-teacher)
My Organisation?
- Lack of teacher time? might be a big ask.
- Could integrate into Professional Development;
- Use instead of LMS?
The Value Proposition
- low entry, easy to use.
- "you get out what you put in... and more."
- value of being an educator in a global context.
- global mentoring and networking