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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Use Cases


  • a user is a logged in WikiEducator user, presumed to be participating in one or more courses as a learner
  • a facilitator is a logged in WikiEducator user that is part of the facilitator group of users, presumed to be teaching a course (or to have taught any course in the past)
  • a course may include one or more activities
  • a facilitator is expected to provide a rubric for each activity
  • a user makes a submission for a particular activity, optionally opting-in for peer evaluation
  • a user can submit a formative evaluation on a submission (including their own)


(optional parameter to narrow result set)

  • user submits work for peer evaluation (new submission replaces old)
  • user submits evaluation of an item (new or revised)
  • user requests all evaluations of their work for a course (for an activity)
  • user requests all evaluations they have done for a course (for an activity)
  • facilitator requests all evaluation items for a course (for an activity) (for a learner)
  • request all courses (matching substring)
  • request all activities for a course

(Comment.gif: Are there any unique behaviours associated with self-evaluations that need to be defined in the API?. Eg Facilitator may want to review the list of all self evaluations submitted in a course.)



parameter function
evprop properties to get

Values: courses, activities, submissions, evaluations

evcourse limit to course when retrieving activities or evaluations
evactivities list of activities (separate with ' | ')
evauthor user submitting activity
evalutor user submitting evaluation
evstartid from which evaluation property to start
evlimit maximum number of items to return

limit of 500 (5000 for bots)

evcontinue when more results are available, use this to continue


get all unique courses
get all unique activities for a course
get all (my) submissions for a course
get my submission for a particular activity



only accepts POST requests

parameter function
pecourse course identifier
peactivity activity identifier
peurl URL to submission
pecomment Comment by author
peoptin Peer Evaluation opt in flag
petitle Title of the submission

pecourse and peactivity are wiki page URL's of their respective pages relative to the main page. Example: For OCL4Ed ( http://wikieducator.org/course/OCL4Ed/ ) pecourse="course/OCL4Ed"



only accepts POST requests

parameter function
peid peer evaluation item
peactivity activity identifier
peauthor author of item evaluated
peurl URL to item evaluated
pehash hash of item evaluated
pevaluation evaluation of item