Extend NZ/NZEXT103/Spotlight on Repositories/Curator Activity 3

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Prepare to Collaborate (26658790417).jpg
I like working with people. I believe change can only come through collaboration

—Alain de Botton

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Curator Activity 3

The Ontario Extend team have a collaborative Padlet and we are all invited to the population party!

Padlet is a great tool for curating course resources, personal interests, and more (learn more about Padlet in the Ontario Extend Toolkit). You can make it as private or public as you like and include any mode of material.

The 'Curation as Creation' and 'Creation as Curation' padlet is geared to show off your newly minted curation skills.

  • Scroll to the far right and look for the 'Add new column' button.
  • Title the column with your name and element or concept.
  • Below it, click the plus button (+) to add the OER that you chose as you explored the repositories.
  • Save a screenshot showing your column within the padlet - this is the evidence you can upload as part of your response to this activity.

As evidence of completion, please add a link or a copy of your response and any reflections to your Extend NZ blog or portfolio.