Expected Outputs - Florence and Gilbert

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Outputs of the Project

The major outputs of the proposed action include: the development of resource materials, a built database, creation and strengthening partnerships between collaborating institutions and an established platform for knowledge and information sharing. Each of these is described in more detail in the following section.

Resources developed

Based on information needs of the different collaborating institutions and key identified stakeholders resource materials will be developed by a selected team of identified resource persons in the region. Many stakeholders from universities, research institutions, extension, farmers, private sector including NGOs, and policy development agencies will be consulted. The thinking will be broadened by inviting other universities outside the consortium of partner institutions to give their view on the action. Access to the materials will be following the agreed information sharing policy developed between the collaborating institutions for efficient use of resources.

Database built

All materials identified and developed and information concerning their sources and format in the different partner countries will be uploaded on a dynamic computer database accessible by all partners. Partner institutions will provide a list of the materials available and other information related to them as by the agreed requirements.

Partnership between collaborating institutions built

The networking and collaboration within universities is likely to generate a broader agenda for capacity building in universities, and mutual backstopping of the members of partner institutions and stimulate academic growth and excellence. Developing a functional network requires wider consultations with and buy-in of stakeholders to support it, sufficient backstopping from recognized centre of excellence until the critical mass is built. Partner mutual backstopping and support generated in the process and commitment of partners to a common interest will be instrumental to mobilisation of resources for implementation.

Platform for collaboration and information sharing built

The platform for collaboration is probably the most important ultimate tangible and final output of the proposed action. Establishment of the platform is a process that involves several steps and feedbacks. The first step is developing consensus among all partner institutions on the focus and modalities of the collaboration. The establishment of a functional platform will certainly enhance the dissemination of knowledge generated in the region up to the farmers’ level.

The platform will also facilitate continued joint learning and sharing of capacities and resources while at the same time strengthening the solidarity of the partners in making universities more relevant. It will also serve as a forum for dialogue with various actors in Institutions of Higher Learning, donors and governments to lobby for various forms of support that advance universities’ contribution to national and regional development agendas. It will contribute to the advancement of academic and professional excellence through online publication and enhancing joint publications. The platform will be managed and maintain by selected members from each partner institution. This network will survive beyond the proposed action through implementation and perhaps even beyond. Collaborative engagement in research and staff/student exchange is envisaged to be some of the additional benefits from this output.

Information sharing policy

The information sharing policy will serve as appropriate guidance with regard to the sharing of information for all partners and associate partners, will ensure that realistic expectations prevail and that common standards are applied across the partner institutions and their associates with regards to compliance with the Data Protection principles. This will also ensure that any use of data is lawful, properly controlled and the Data Protection rights of individuals are respected. Though the considerations for aggregated and sanitised data are less stringent, the effect of many data sets being applied must be taken into account, together with factors of commercial or business sensitivity.