Exemplary Collection of Open Content Repositories
From WikiEducator
perhaps some of these links are wrong or fit better in Exemplary Collection of institutions with OER policy
- Connexions "is a rapidly growing collection of free scholarly materials and a powerful set of free software tools to help authors publish and collaborate, instructors rapidly build and share custom courses, learners explore the links among concepts, courses, and disciplines." http://cnx.org/
- China Open Resources for Education (CORE) http://www.core.org.cn
- Fulbright Economics Teaching Program OpenCourseWare http://www.fetp.edu.vn/fetpcwV.cfm
- Utah State University OCW http://ocw.usu.edu/Index/index.html/ECIndexPage_view
- Japanes OCW Alliance http://www.jocw.jp/
- Rice http://cnx.rice.edu/
- Paris Tech OCW Project http://graduateschool.paristech.org/