Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice/Resources

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APA Referencing

APA (American Psychological Association) referencing is used in this course. There are lots of links to resources about this style of referencing on the Manukau Institute of Technology library website.


Journals and books for this subject are available from the Manukau Institute of Technology library.


Information for this course has been compiled in Chapter Eight of the eLearning Guidebook.

Further information for this course is available in the book by Reeves, Thomas, C. and John G. Hedberg (2003), Interactive Learning Systems Evaluation, Englewood Cliffs: Educational Technology Publications. ISBN 0-87778-304-7. The companion web site makes available a full set of evaluation tools (forms and protocol).

Journals and conference proceedings


  • Australian Educational Computing. This is the refereed journal of the ACCE (Australian Council for Computers in Education) and is published twice a year.
  • Evaluation issue of the Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has lots of evaluation articles. (2002). Vol 18(2).
  • AJET homepage with access to all the online journal articles.
  • Education-line is an archive of bibliographies and full-text, online reports. It is a joint project of the British Education Index and a consortium of British professional educational associations.
  • The European Journal of Open and Distance Learning (EURODL). "An online journal on distance and e-learning, publishes the accounts of research, development and teaching for Europe in its most inclusive definition, exploring the potential of electronic publishing. Furthermore, EURODL presents scholarly work and solid information about open, distance and e-learning, education through telematics, multimedia, on-line learning and co-operation."
  • First Monday online journal.

Conference proceedings

  • Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education ASCILITE]has an annual conference and online proceedings.

"It is a society for those involved in tertiary computer-based education and training, including educational interactive multimedia. It provides a forum to stimulate discussion of relevant issues in the educational use of technology, as well as promoting research and evaluation."

  • Evaluating the New Teaching Technologies Workshop (2000). proceedings.
  • Online Learning and Teaching Conference (2004) proceedings.
  • UniServe Science Symposiums proceedings.


environments. In ASCILITE 2005 conference proceedings: Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: Maintaining the Momentum.


  • Implementing e-learning guidelines newsletter for April 2008.

Evaluation Tools
