English Language Learners Needs/Assessment Tool

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Patient Assessment Resources
  • In order to fully address the language needs of Hispanic, limited English speaking hospitalized patients a language assessment should be conducted as early in the hospitalized stay as possible. Without an assessment, there is much variability and no certainty that these patients needs are being addressed. An accurate, comprehensive and documented assessment of language and communication needs is crucial at the initial point of contact in a healthcare setting. Additionally, determining limited English profiency (LEP) and the need for an interpreter or language assistance is important in coordinating an appropriate and safe plan of care.
  • To initiate a valid language assessment, patient self-reporting is an important first step. Three questions can form the basis of an initial language assessment:
      1. What language does patient speak at home?
      2. What language is patient most comfortable speaking when recieving healthcare?
      3. Does the patient need an interpreter for health care?
  • It is imperative that these results be documented and communicated to all other healthcare staff.