English Composition 1/ENGL002/Description

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Learn to write effectively and clearly for academic purposes.

What's it about?


In this micro course, you will engage with all of these topics and learn how to lay the groundwork for successful communication through writing.

What will I learn?

In this course, you will learn to:

  •  ??
  •  ??
  •  ??
  •  ??

What's involved?

Participants will join an international community of learners interested in gaining a better understanding of the complex process involved in communicating through writing. Largely self-directed and self-paced, the course will, if learners wish, lead to credits from an affiliated institution.

The course will be offered as a micro open online course comprising a number of learning activities and resources. It is to be viewed as part of the larger English Composition course of study, coupled with ENGL001 and ENGL003.


Anyone is free to participate in this course. An internet connection and basic web browsing skills are recommended with the ability to self motivate and direct.

Learners aiming to submit assessments for formal academic credit will need to meet the normal university admission requirements of the conferring institution (e.g., language proficiency and school leaving certificates). Learners aiming for the ### Bachelor level are advised to have completed the majority of their ### level subjects to have sufficient capability and experience for preparing assignments for## year level of Bachelor study.