Effective email

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SLMtitle.png Writing Effective Emails

SLMinto.png Introduction

e-mail has rapidly become an important medium of official business correspondence. It offers certain advantages; it is fast, is usually free, is accessible from any computer with an internet connection, enables easy sending of large amounts of data, can be easily sent to multiple recepients

A typical professional writes at least a dozen emails everyday. To communicate effectively, you must know how to write a formal business email.

SLMobj.png Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you are expected to learn about:

write effective emails in a formal/business context

How to write a good email

Why am I writing this email?

Formal emails are usually written for 3 reasons:

1. to ask for information

2. to give information

3. to get things done

A Proper Subject line

1. Summarise the core idea of the email

2. Should not be vague or too long

How long should my email be?

1. Brief and concise.

2. Should contain only essential details.

3. Should fit into a single page view - if the reader needs to scroll, you know you've written too much!

Language in an email

1. Use simple words and short sentences.

2. Use correct spellings and grammar-there are spell-checkers to help you if you aren't sure.

3. Divide your text into paragraphs or action points.

4. Keep the tone formal - do not write anything you wouldn't put down on paper.

5. Make sure that names are correctly spelled and that proper titles are assigned - people don't like their names being misspelt.


Icon casestudy.gif
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SLMsum.png Results

MU KEY.jpg Key Terms

Icon activity.jpg

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SLMref.png References and Bibliography

SLMref.png Further Readings