Effective Communication

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Welcome to this unit on effective communication in the education series Life Skills Education.


The aim of this unit is to enable you understand the meaning of Effective Communication as an essential life skill, situations that require effective communication, forms of communication, factors that enhance effective communication barriers of communication and benefits of effective communication. The unit covers;

  • objectives
  • Definition
  • How to enhance effective communication
  • Situations that require effective communication
  • Forms of communication
  • The process of effective communication
  • Factors that enhance effective communication
  • Barriers of effective communication
  • Benefits of effective communication

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the objectives of the unit are to;
  1. Explain the meaning of effective communication
  2. Identify situations that require effective communication
  3. State forms of communication
  4. Explain and demonstrate the process of effective communication
  5. Discuss factors that enhance effective communication
  6. Discuss barriers to effective communication
  7. Explore the benefits of effective communication

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This is the exchange of ideas, feelings, opinions, wants, needs and actions verbally or non-verbally. Effective communication is more than sending and receiving messages.Effective communication entails sending accurate information and receiving feed back that the message has been received without distortion.

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discuss with your colleagues ways of enhancing effective communication

I hope you mentioned that it can be enhanced by

  • clarity of message
  • use of appropriate language
  • observing appropriate timing
  • active listening
  • asking questions
  • observing non-verbal actions or reactions
  • considering the type of audience.

Effective communication helps individuals to clarify ideas, correct misconceptions, share experiences, reduce stress and provide feedback for improvement.One needs to internalize this skill in order to be able to overcome his/her inhibitions and maintain healthy social relationships

The Situations that require effective communication

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Discuss with your friends situations that may require effective communication in your classroom

  • seeking or providing guidance
  • dealing with gender stereotypes
  • child abuse
  • domestic violence
  • harmful cultural and religious practices
  • interpersonal relationship
  • peer pressure e.g.drug abuse, pre-martial sex
  • risky situations, e.g. car jacking, rape among others

Forms of communication

  • verbal e.g. debates, barazas, etc
  • non-verbal eg. Print, gestures, signals, puppetry. miming

Process of communication,,,

sender message channel receiver feedback

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demonstrate theChinese whisper

Factors that enhance effective communication

  • Active listening
  • Simplicity
  • Straight forwardness
  • Feedback
  • Speaking clearly/articulation
  • Knowledge of the receiver / audience
  • Speed and sequence of speech
  • Relationship between the sender and the receiver
  • Command of subject (mastery of subjects matter)
  • Commanding attention

Barriers to effective communication

  • Poor listening habits
  • Inadequate knowledge of the subject
  • Biases and stereotypes
  • Lack of interest on the subject
  • Personal opinions
  • Interruptions
  • Religious and cultural difference
  • Language barrier
  • Poor timing
  • Guilt
  • Status

Benefits of effective communication

  • Right information is shared
  • Minimizes conflicts
  • Resources such as time and money are saved
  • Helps in establishing rapport
  • Intended results are achieved
  • Sender is able to provide intended feedback
  • Enhances harmonious co-existence and conflicts are resolved amicably