e-Learning Activity - Learning reflection

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e-Learning activity summary

Title: Learning reflection
0.5 - 1 hour
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Linked to the participation component of the course assignment

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Support resources on reflective writing

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The purpose of this learning reflection activity is to:
  • provide evidence of your learning by clarifying the connections between your experience (what you already know) and what you are learning on the course.
  • become a reflective practitioner.

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  1. Consult the resources on reflective writing above for ideas and examples of learning reflections.
  2. Think about the concepts of open education and open educational resources. Revisit your prior experience and knowledge of the topic you are writing about and consider how and why you think the way you do.
  3. Think about WHAT you have learned but also HOW you learned it
  4. Think about your response or reaction to the new knowledge and insights derived from the course materials you have studied and websites you visited during this learning sequence.

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Learning outcome actions

  1. Prepare and publish a blog post of 300 - 400 words reflecting on your learning. Remember to apply the tag to your post using the "OCL4Ed" tag (called a label in blogger).
  2. Consider the following elements in your learning reflection[1]:
    • clarify of what you have studied including your contributions via microblog posts and forum posts.
    • integrate new knowledge with previous knowledge and experience, i.e how does theory relate to practice?
    • identify the questions you have including why you are asking these questions
    • identify what you have yet to learn.
  3. Important: Log into WikiEducator and register your blog post which is required for tracking minimum participation metrics.
  4. Comment on 2 blog reflections from your class, where possible, learners who have not received comments on their blog reflections yet.


  1. http://www.lc.unsw.edu.au/onlib/reflect1.html