Editing Derekc/Teaching and Learning/Quality Assurance For Online
Shifted from http://akowiki.canterbury.ac.nz/index.php/QA_in_Online_Courses
These guys have some good frameworks
Quality Assurance for Online Courses: Implementing Policy at RMIT by Carmel McNaught: http://technologysource.org/article/quality_assurance_for_online_courses/
Kenny Article: Promoting Quality Outcomes in Higher Education Using New Learning Technologies: Processes and Plans at RMIT http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/coffs00/papers/john_kenny.pdf
Summary from RMIT McNaught Above
- Evidence of educational design. All online courses (no matter how minor the online component) need to be signed off at the faculty level by each faculty's Director of Teaching Quality (DoTQ). For sign-off to occur and enable a course to become "live" on the DLS, the DoTQ needs evidence of clear educational design and planning. DoTQs ensure that an academic teacher has considered the design features of an online system, has an overall rationale for their courses, and complies with basic publishing standards (including copyright matters). DoTQs also assess the level of coherence between RMIT's Course Guide (which includes information relating to course details, learning outcomes, planned student learning experiences, assessment, and study program), its Online Checklist, and the online component of the course.
- Evidence of peer review. The main purpose of the peer review sessions is to produce evidence that peer scrutiny can improve the quality of online courses. The scholarship of teaching is an important concept at RMIT, and we are anxious to encourage scholarly peer review of aspects of teaching in ways similar to the peer review of research outputs. A report of the decision made at peer review sessions is required. The DoTQs manage this peer review process but this evidence is also examined by a senior person in Learning Technology Services (LTS) on behalf of the chair of the university’s Programs Committee.
- Evidence of forward thinking through an evaluation plan. The RMIT requirement to have an evaluation plan indicates the significance the institution places on ongoing quality improvement. The plan outlines what evaluation strategies are to be used once the course is being taught to students. As with the peer reviews, the process is managed by the DoTQs but reviewed by LTS as well.
Note: here (in point 3) I am reminded of the OTARA model
RMIT: http://technologysource.org/extra/253/exhibit/1/
Tom Prebble:
Quality Matters (TM)
Quality Matters Rubric Standards 2008-2010 edition with Assigned Point Values: http://qminstitute.org/home/Public%20Library/About%20QM/RubricStandards2008-2010.pdf
Online Book
Huge site: UTAS http://tlo.calt.utas.edu.au/about/whatis_otl.aspx