EXTAFR100/EXTAFR105/The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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Make learning a habit and you will become unstoppable.

—Author unknown

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The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Introduction

For an introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), have a look at this introduction from the University of Edinburgh.

In this video on 'Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning' (Center for Engaged Learning (CELatElon), September 2013), several educators define SoTL in the context of their own professional practice.

Every one of us involved in teaching has questions about the success of our practice. We deal with some of these questions informally, all the time. In other cases, we seek to formalise our inquiry by doing research, and that is what SoTL is about. The purpose of SoTL is to improve learning by implementing optimised teaching practices, based on research and evidence to support changes in practice.

Brock University has recently created a series of engaging animated YouTube videos on the topic of SoTL, available here in this Ontario Extend Playlist. Each video is short - typically around 2 minutes in length.

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