EDT4OL/Learning sequence/Outputs challenge

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Learning outcome actions

Part A - Complete the learning pathway outline template

  1. Design the sequence of sub-pages for a learning pathway by completing the 'Learning pathway outline' spreadsheet, which you can download from the Tasks page. Your outline should:
    • Provide your full name
    • List all the sub-pages for your learning pathway. In some cases, the cells may not be applicable - please add "Not applicable" or you can abbreviate using N/A" to show a completed template, i.e. don't leave cells empty
    • Meet the minimum requirements for types of activity to include (i.e. at least one of each of the following types: video-based activity, H5P interactive content element and interactive quiz)
    • Specify the media you plan to incorporate
    • Include formative and/or summative assessment
    • Indicate the placement of your e-Learning activities within individual sub-pages of the learning pathway
    • Include a table to indicate the sub-page where you have included the following types of activities, for example
      Activity typeSub-page title
      Video activity
      H5P interactive object
      Interactive quiz

      (Note: The table will assist your moderator to locate these activities when evaluating your submission.)
  2. As author, please apply a Creative Commons licence at the bottom of your spreadsheet to provide permission for re-use as OER.

Part B - Publish a blog post and share your learning pathway outline

  1. Choose a suitable title for your blog post
  2. Prepare a blog post with three sub-sections:
    1. My learning pathway outline
      • Provide the title of your learning pathway and describe its purpose in a sentence.
      • Upload a copy of your completed learning pathway outline spreadsheet on your personal blog via the Dashboard --> Media --> Add new options.
      • Provide a hyperlink to your storyboard within the body of your blog post, so that other learners can see what you have created.
    2. My learning reflection
      • Share a brief reflection of your development process for the learning pathway outline in one or two sentences. For example:
        • The aspects you found easy and/or challenging
        • Any advice you would offer learners completing this activity in the future
        • Anything else you would like to share
    3. My learning pathway outline self-assessment
      • Share a self-assessment of your learning pathway outline (see below), justifying why you awarded yourself green or amber.
  3. Remember to apply the "EDT4OL" tag to your post. (This is needed for harvesting your post in the course feed.)


Conduct a self-assessment of your learning pathway outline, using the traffic light rubric below, to evaluate if your resource achieves a green or amber rating below. If amber, consider improving your resource to achieve a green rating.

If you were working as a member of a team, you should assess the learning pathway you developed. Consider getting together for a web-conference call to discuss your self-evaluation with members of the team, and invite them to make suggestions for improving the design of your learning pathway.

If you meet the criteria for the 'green' or 'amber' ratings, as assessed by your course moderator, you will meet the requirements for the award of the badge. If your work is assessed by the course moderator as falling within the 'red' rating, you will not meet the requirements for the badge on that occasion, but you may be given an opportunity to revise your work and re-submit.

Traffic lights green.png

I can do this well (Distinguished)
High quality blog post with link to an outstanding example of a learning pathway outline likely to be emulated by my peers

Green grade for storyboard blog post challenge: Achieved
  • An outstanding learning pathway outline that demonstrates:
    • clarity in the development of a high quality online learning pathway
    • thoughtful division and sequencing of sub-pages, that will enhance learner understanding of the topic
    • inclusion of each of the following activity types: video-based activity, H5P interactive content element, and interactive quiz, plus additional activities demonstrating creative design that will provide an engaging and meaningful learning experience for prospective students
  • Blog post provides an example for future learners to emulate. The blog post is complete and includes:
    • Professional and consistent layout with representative "Featured image" and legally correct image attribution
    • Application of an open licence to facilitate sharing of the resource for future EDT4OL cohorts
    • Hyperlink to completed learning pathway outline and a descriptive text label (doesn't use "click here")
    • Insightful learning reflection, providing good advice to prospective EDT4OL learners
    • Thorough and accurate self-assessment
    • Blog post tagged with course code and categorised
Traffic lights amber.png

I can do this (Intermediate)
Blog post with link to completed learning pathway outline that meets the challenge requirements that I am happy to share publicly

Amber grade for storyboard blog post challenge: Achieved
  • Completed learning pathway outline that:
    • includes each of the following activity types: video-based activity, H5P interactive content element and interactive quiz
    • demonstrates an appropriate sequence and sub-division of pages for the learning pathway to achieve one to two hours of learning effort for prospective students
    • respects the considerations provided on the tasks page, for example short sub-page titles, succinct content summaries to guide authoring, etc.
  • Blog post is complete and includes:
    • Hyperlink to completed learning pathway outline
    • Objective learning reflection
    • Objective self-assessment
Traffic lights red.png

I need more practice (Novice)
The learning pathway outline is in the early draft phase and needs more work

Red grade for storyboard blog post challenge: Not Achieved

One or more of the following is true:

  • The learning pathway outline spreadsheet is incomplete (i.e. one or more components of the outline template are missing).
  • Insufficient sub-pages to adequately cover the topic targeting one to two hours of learning effort for the prospective students.
  • There is no hyperlink to the learning pathway outline uploaded to blog site.
  • One or more of the following activity types is missing: Video activity, H5P interactive activity and/or interactive quiz.
  • Learning reflection is missing from blog post
  • Self-assessment is missing from blog post