EDT4OL/Intermediate wiki skills/Quizzes

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Mini challenge - Create quizzes using wiki markup
Summary: Learn how to publish a variety of quiz questions (cloze, true-false, and multiple choice) with learner feedback using wiki syntax
30 mins - 1 hour (depending on prior knowledge of wiki text and general understanding of markup languages)
Linked to final: Intermediate wiki skills challenge

During this challenge, you will learn how to use wiki text (markup) for different interactive question types while developing draft content for re-use in the learning materials you are developing in this course.

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The purpose of this learn-by-doing challenge is to:

  • Acquire the skills for publishing different types of interactive quiz questions using wiki markup
  • Use the pedagogical advantages of immediate feedback for formative assessment
  • Prepare initial draft questions for use in your own online course materials


This mini challenge is divided into four steps.

Step Activity Purpose
Step 1 Review examples of wiki-based interactive quiz questions To experience how a user interacts with wiki-based quiz questions
Step 2 Consider the advantages and limitations of wiki-based quiz questions To inform design considerations for using wiki-based quiz items
Step 3 Practise editing a cloze quiz To copy boilerplate wiki text to get started with creating a cloze quiz
Step 4 Practise editing a true-false and multiple choice quiz To copy boilerplate wiki text to get started with creating true-false and multiple-choice items

Step 1: Review examples of wiki-based interactive quiz questions

Familiarise yourself with the following wiki-based quiz types by answering the following questions. Please select incorrect answers as well to observe how feedback works for each quiz type. Refresh / reload your browser page to reload questions after answering.

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Fill in the Blanks

There are three main purposes for assessment in teaching. Fill in the blanks by inserting the words of, for and as corresponding with the descriptions below. (Use the tab key or mouse pointer to advance to the next space.)

  • Assessment for learning is a formative assessment approach used to gain information from learners – for example, to understand what your students already know and/or can do, or to guide your teaching.
  • Assessment as learning is a formative assessment approach where learners reflect on their own learning, for instance, by completing guided self-assessments.
  • Assessment of learning is a summative assessment approach, typically used at the end of a learning cycle, where evidence of student learning helps the teacher to see how well the learning outcomes have been achieved.

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True false question

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false:

  • You can create interactive quiz questions using wiki markup in WikiEducator
    • True
      • Correct. You have just answered a quiz item that was authored using wiki text.
    • False
      • Incorrect. WikiEducator has markup that provides functionality for interactive quizzes.

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Multiple choice question
  • Another name for a 'Fill in the blanks' question type is ...
    • Multiple choice question
      • Incorrect. This question is an example of a multiple choice question, where the learner must select the correct answer from a list of options.
    • Multi choice question
      • Incorrect. A multi choice question is a multiple choice question where the correct answer requires more than one option to be selected.
    • Cloze question
      • Correct.
    • Open question
      • Incorrect. There are typically predefined answers for the 'blanks', so this can't be an open question.

Step 2: Consider the advantages and limitations of wiki-based quiz questions

Wiki-based interactive quiz questions are quick and easy to set up using the basic structure of a nested bullet list with an associated template for managing the layout within an iDevice. They are well suited to formative assessment applications because they provide learners with immediate feedback on correct and incorrect answers.

Compared with H5P interactive content, wiki-based quiz questions are simpler to set up because they are created within the wiki and do not require knowledge of different software. In addition, as wiki text, it is easy to work collaboratively with fellow teachers on developing and editing questions because the wiki provides a detailed edit history, when compared to third-party quiz authoring tools, including H5P, that don't support collaborative editing. On the other hand, H5P provides scope for more varied interactions, for example, embedding quiz questions within videos or interactive slides.

Wiki-based questions are not suited for summative assessment, because:

  • they do not track results, and
  • learners with knowledge of HTML will be able to view the page source to determine the answers before answering the question.

H5P questions are also open to abuse by learners who can view the page source to see the answers, and results cannot be tracked unless the H5P is incorporated into a learning management system.

If you are planning to use objective items for grading purposes, it would be better, for example, to use a learning management system for administering summative assessments.

Step 3: Practise editing a cloze quiz

Review the basic wiki markup for a cloze quiz, then follow the steps to create and edit a cloze quiz.

Basic wiki markup for a simple cloze quiz

|Cloze quiz (Edit title)
|Start question text here
* The opposite of up is <u>down</u>
* A triangle has <u>three</u> sides


  1. Template name: The template name is "{{Quiz_Cloze" . It is case sensitive and should not be changed.
  2. ID01: The first parameter is an identification (ID) parameter. Each instance of a cloze question template on the same page must have a unique ID number, for example ID01, ID02, ID03 etc.
  3. Title text: The second parameter is the display title for the cloze quiz; for example, you can replace the text with "Fill in the blanks" to change the title.
  4. Theme: Always use the theme "line" (case sensitive) for publishing to the OERu WordPress theme.
  5. *: Each phrase or paragraph (question) where missing words must be filled in is prefaced with a star ("*").
  6. Answer box: Each word that is replaced by an answer box for the learner to fill in must be contained between the markup for underline, for example: <u>word</u>. In the published view, words contained between the underline tags will be replaced with a text box. This simple close quiz:
    • does not check for capitalisation when marking answers, and
    • does not cater for alternate correct answers.

Create and edit a simple cloze quiz

Purpose: To use wiki markup to publish a cloze quiz with two questions.

  1. Draft text suitable for two cloze items highlighting the words to be filled in.
  2. Open your sandbox page in a new tab or window.
  3. Insert the following syntax [[/Quizzes/|Quizzes]] in edit mode onto your sandbox page. This will create a subpage for practising wiki-based quizzes.
  4. Copy the markup for a simple cloze quiz (from Step 3 above) onto the quizzes subpage you set up on your sandbox page, and save the page.
  5. Practise editing a cloze quiz item by:
    • Changing the ID number
    • Changing the display title for your quiz
    • Inserting two cloze items for users to complete
    • Saving and testing your cloze quiz.

Step 4: Practise editing a true-false and multiple choice quiz

Purpose: To use wiki markup to publish true-false and multiple choice questions.

The same wiki markup from the Quiz_Multiple_Choice template is used for both true-false and multiple choice questions.

Basic wiki markup for a true false question

|title=True false question
Indicate whether the following statement is true or false:
* Statement
** True
*** Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here
** False
*** Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here

Basic wiki markup for a multiple choice question

|title=Multiple choice question
Select the correct option
* Question stem goes here
** First option goes here
***Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here for first option
** Second option goes here
*** Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here for second option
** Third option goes here
*** Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here for third option
** Fourth option goes here
*** Correct/Incorrect. Enter feedback text here for fourth option


  1. Template name: The template name is "{{Quiz_Multiple_Choice" . It is case sensitive and should not be changed.
  2. ID01: The first parameter is an identification (ID) parameter. Each instance of a Mulltiple Choice template on the same page must have a unique ID number, for example ID01, ID02, ID03 etc.
  3. Title text: The second parameter is the display title for the cloze quiz; for example, you can replace the text with "Fill in the blanks" to change the title.
  4. Theme: Always use the theme "line" (case sensitive) for publishing to the OERu WordPress theme.
  5. *: A single bullet is used for the statement or question.
  6. **: Two bullets are used for the options which learners can choose from.
  7. ***: Three bullets are used to provide the learner feedback for the corresponding option. Please note that:
    • You must insert text in the feedback to indicate correct and incorrect answers. The software itself does not distinguish between correct and incorrect answers.

Create and edit a true-false and multiple choice question

Purpose: To use wiki markup to publish interactive true-false and multiple choice questions.

  1. Draft text suitable for a true-false and a multiple choice question.
  2. Open your sandbox page in a new tab or window.
  3. Copy the markup for a true false and multiple choice question from Step 4 above, onto the quizzes subpage you set up on your sandbox page, and save the page.
  4. Practise editing a true-false and a multiple choice item by:
    • Changing the ID number
    • Changing the display title for your quizzes
    • Editing the markup for your questions. Ensure that you indicate correct and incorrect answers in the feedback options.
    • Saving and testing your quiz items.