Draft Copyright Clearance Letter

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This page is for proposed edits to the version here.

Dear _________:

I am in the process of creating an online course: <name of course>. The course is intended to be a part of <name of university>'s Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative. These OER are freely available to everyone, regardless of enrollment status with the university. I would like to include material found at the following URL(s):

<List of applicable URLs>

Additionally, I would like permission to adapt, modify, and build upon material at the URLs listed above in order to customize them for use in our institution. I am flexible about any restrictions regarding modification, so feel free to discuss any concerns you might have.

Please advise how you would like to be acknowledged.

If the copyright is held by another party, I would appreciate any contact information you have regarding the proper rights holder(s). Otherwise, by consenting to our request you are confirming that you have the right to grant permission.

I would greatly appreciate your permission to use these materials indicating whether or not they may be used for commercial purposes. For more information on our licensing policies, visit <insert URL here>. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at _______________.

