Digital skills for collaborative OER development/Storyboarding/Storyboarding challenge

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Challenge summary
Summary: Develop a storyboard to support the learning design of your course.
1 - 2 hours
Linked to final assignment

Developing a storyboard will assist in determining the learning sequence and subsequently help you in outlining your course in the next section.

Start here

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Stimulus resources

Please visit the following links before commencing the activity:

  • Stimulus 1: Example 1. A storyboard for a course on storyboarding for learning design developed by Gabi Witthaus and Brenda Padilla. (A number of the OER resources in this course were reused and remixed for this OERu course.)
  • Stimulus 2: Example 2. A storyboard for a professional development course developed by Gabbi Witthaus covering aspects of learning design illustrating a blended approach incorporating both online and face-to-face components.

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The purpose of this learning challenge is to:

  1. Design and share a first draft of a storyboard for two learning pathways (topics or concepts) which would approximate three to six hours learning time in total for learners working through the materials.
  2. Use online tools (where possible) for designing your draft storyboard to facilitate sharing on the open web.
  3. Assist two or more fellow participants by providing constructive feedback and suggestions to improve on their storyboard designs.

By completing this learning challenge you will be in a better position to:

  • Develop the structure and sequence of the course outline of the individual pages for the website you will publish.
  • Refine and target your searches to find OER for reuse and remix in the development of your own learning materials for this course.
  • Complete one of the building blocks required for the final assessment in this course.